Monday, November 10, 2014

Week # 61 - Staying in Muret for another 4 weeks

Now, for the letter.


I thought about not sending a full letter, because tout simplement, I'm mad.  You sold the van.  I'm not actually that mad, did you take the couch out at least?  And all my CDs, I hope.

But this letter might be a little short, because I forgot my planner at home, because this is a new transfer.  But, anyway.

I'M STAYING IN MURET.  and yeah, this is the longest I've stayed somewhere.  And, if I stay one more transfer, I will have broken the Muret record for longest stay.  So we'll see.  Crossing my fingers!

Daylight savings time is one of the best parts of the mission, because you get another hour of sleep :)  Yeah, they do it in France.

Elder Kearon is the one who gave the talk about being in the desert in flip-flops and being stung by a scorpion that one time a while ago.  Classic.

When we were in Lyon picking up the bleus, there was a huge religious manifestation, but the Mormons weren't invited, it seems.  But that's really cool that Elder Eyring gets to go to the Vatican.  Neat.  We'll have to see if anything gets posted about that.

Some members have been talking about a video that the church put up about the temple garment and temple clothes.  I looked on and didn't find anything, they said that at the end it was labelled ldsliving, so they were pretty sure it was legit, but, have you heard anything about it?

So, like I said, I forgot my planner, so we'll have to see what I remember from this week.

Lundi, we went to see Fr.  Déjean, which is pronounced day-john, but with a soft j.  anyway, we visited him, had a good time.  We also went to Toys-R-Us for part of our pday with the other elders, and that was fun.

The next day we.....I'm pretty sure that was the day we went out to this city called St. Gaudens.  It was a very ugly day, the first cold day of the season, gray and rainy and dumb.  But we didn't let the weather get us down, and we searched for amis anyway.  We were able to teach these two really cool people on the street, and that was great.  Afterwards, they told us where the best sandwich place was because we hadn't had dinner yet, and then the best part: the sandwiches were really, really good.  It was a really cool day, because we had the whole district texting miracles to each other everytime they came, and there were a load of really neat ones seen.

The next day was stacked.  We saw Sylvie, very good times, still active, yes.  Then we went to Jean Marc and Séverine's, with Fr.  Ducrocq.  We got to read a little bit out of the children's LdM with their daughter before they got us playing games.  We played that one game with the pile of sticks on the table and you have to pick up the ones without moving the others.  Anyway, that brought back the good times.  After that we headed out to Auterive to visit and famille and teach the restoration.  It was very cool, and it was obvious they felt the Spirit.  That was a really fun day, and I almost forgot I was in a small ville because we had so much going on!

Now, this next day I don't remember so well.  I do remember there was ward council in the evening...Oh yeah!  We went on exchange.  I was in Muret with Elder Andersen, and it was really neat.  We went to Fr. Déjeans and cleaned his home, because it's not the tidiest home you've ever seen.  I used a vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the walls and all the spiders and stuff.  It was very accomplishing and now his home feels a little lighter.  We're not done, however.  We also were supposed to have a rdv with a less active, but that fell through because of us!  We were on our way, and we talked to this fella, and we ended up talking for a while, and were late to the rdv.  We got to her home as she was leaving for another rdv, but she and her husband gave us a ride back into town becaue it was raining.  On the way, they fixed with us to eat lunch with them on tuesday, or, tomorrow.  So that's sweet.

Vendredi I think was fun, if I remember correctly.  Wait.  Vendredi was the exchange......
So....................oh yeah, jeudi was district meeting.  We had a real nice district meeting, after which I had to go to the prefecture to check out my legality, which is still not ready.  Jeudi was kind of a slow day apart from district meeting, but, it was still a good time, as the days always are.

Samedi......ah yeah.  That was Stake Conference in the evening.  that's all I really remember from that day.  It was a really good stake conference, and because Narbonne/Béziers is in the Toulouse stake, I got to see all my favorite members again :)  Also, the metros were all down, so we were walking all over Toulouse that night, and that was fun.  Luckily, thanks to that, we met two really cool guys.  One was a friend of a member who came up to us and chatted, and the other guy lived close to the church and saw the missionaries and mormons all the time.  We had a nice little chat with both of 'em.  Yeah.  Stake conference was so good.

And then dimanche was the rest of stake conference.  It was such a good time.  Very awesome spirit.  And then that evening we got to go to a members home for dinner.  This frère had apparently the best pizza in the world, and it was true.  It was delicious. They also had a guitar :)  They also have an incredibly musical famille.  And also this was the first time in a little bit that I had been in a real active member's home, and the Spirit was so thick we had to dust it off our seats before we sat down.  It was just a good feeling.  That's why we need to get investigators into members' homes.  Because you can tell a big ol' difference.

Anyway, so yeah.  Staying in Muret, so is Elder Haskin!  This transfer is a weird one, only four weeks, but go on ahead and send all that.  I'm excited. I really like Muret.


Elder Max Liechty


It would have been SO fun if you had come with me on band trips!  You would've seen whole new geeky side of me come out that doesn't come out too often.

I really liked the Ma and Pa I had.  They had gifts for us at one point, so that was sick.  also, they talked with us and were cool.  they didn't go and chat with the other adults and be lame, they stuck around with us, and that was really nice.

I stayed!  and with Elder Haskin!

Yeah, so the Dr. Pepper video and burgers was mostly just for fun, no real reason.  The same story for when Elder Phelps and I ate the baguettes.  Elder Haskin and I have one, too that I made just barely, but there's more talking in it.  You'll see!

This week was a real good time, and stake conference was amazing. I don't think I've ever had a more fun and good stake conference.  Because I actually listened and prepared for this one like I would any other conference.  Also, stake conference in France is way cooler than in Utah, because people be comin' from four hours away to see this, and it's like a big reunion with a bunch of people you haven't seen for a long time.  A real gathering of the Saints.  Very neat.

That's kind of bizarre that the weather is still so nice in's starting to get reallllly ugly here, but, like, not a huge deal. Probably keep working :)

Love you, daddy,
Love Elder Max Liechty

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