Monday, August 18, 2014

Week #49 - Max stays in Muret

Frosting face liechty

Frosting face Ducrocq

Me n mah friend

Yeah MOM

I stay! Yay! Muret!  It doesn't look like it, but all of those rhyme.  that may be a hint of how to pronounce Muret if you didn't alreay know

Wait.  Sam's already a senior?  wut the crud.  As far as the vocab test, yes, or maybe no.  I don't remember.  There were a lot of vocab tests, so I can't remember when they were.  But.  Eh.  Study sam.  Do it.  Man.  AP Lit.  He's a big boy now.  Tell him to say hi to Ms. Woolsey for me.

A tombez-vous is yes, when someone doesn't show up.  Translated is "drop yourself" but it's mostly just for the word drop, like fall through, and the vous is just to make it sound like rendez-vous.

Yeah, and so, my companion isn't here yet.  I've been waiting in the train station in Toulouse all morning helping other missionnaires come through, but my companion doesn't get here for another 3 hours.  So.  I'll tell you next week?

Bon.  Fin.  Okay.


The last week in Muret.  Good times.  Check it out.

So on lundi, after we had a good little p-day, we did some more street boarding with the district, talked to a really interesting guy named Eric, who was really cool, and funny, and a real thinker, but, I had to leave before we could finish the conversation because we started an exchange that night, and so I left him in the hands of Elder Garside.  Apparantly they talked for the rest of the night.  Neat.  Well, he wasn't interested in the end, but that's always a good time to find someone that is just neat.

Then whips around mardi, we got a rdv with Sylvie, our baptismal engagée, and the bishop was with us, and it went really well.  We talked about loving everyone, even if they are not cool.  That meaning, hate the sin, but love the sinner.  Because she's been having trouble getting mad at her neighbors in her appartement, because they are obnoxious.  But she's super neat, because she said "I know that they aren't trying to bother me, it's just how they live.  But I still can't help getting upset!"  So, she's still on track.  Very neat.  Then that evening was very cool.  We went to pass André and Charlotte and just invite them to a FHE that weekend, but instead we saw him pulling into his neighborhood, he pulled over and got out of the car and said "what's up" we told him we were there to invite him to the FHE, and he said come on in for a drink.  So we went and drank some water and juice, and then his wife came out and said "okay, you're staying for dinner."  So she made us dinner.  And that was really neat.  And then he said he's gonna invite his friend to play basketball with us the next day.  And he did.  And we did.

That last night, there was a huge rainstorm, and we had left some chairs outside.  The storm woke me up, and i was like "there are chairs outside" but then I decided "ah, je m'en fiche" BUT then I realized that my coat was on one of the chairs, my rain coat, so I freaked, and got up to get it.  I opened the blinds, pulled in the chairs, and I saw the coat on the edge of the balcony.  I saw it just in time to see the corner slip off the edge.  No.  I was in so much pain.  It was like watching a dear friend hanging off the edge of a cliff, and reaching for his hand just as he falls.  I was devestated.  It was raining, and winding, and thundering, and the situation was just so disastrous; I figured that i had lost the coat forever in that black abyss.  Then I woke up the next morning, realized that there was someones house just below ours, and that my coat was just in their yard.  Ha.  What a joke.  But that was a really big relief.  The rest of the day was really fun, too.  We made pastries with Jean-Marc and Severine, with the Ducrocqs, and also the sisters from Toulouse because it was one of their birthdays.  And then we shared a thought from "The Family: yadda yadda yadda" and it was very cool.  Soeur Ducrocq later told us that everytime we go over, they say afterwards that they feel something different, and something inside them changing.  so cool.  Then, that evening, we played basketball with André and his friend, Jean-Marie, who plays for the Muret basketball team.  That was really fun.

Then we had district meeting, and that was great.  We talked about goal setting. I set a goal to set more goals.  And when I do, I need to send them to you so that I can be accountable to you, too.  So.  I'll get on that.  And the Ducrocqs were with us, again, for the lunch.  That was a good time.  Then that evening we got to do some service for our Frère Zulien, a more-or-less active member, and his non-member son.  It was really neat, it was the first time I'd met him, and it was cool.  Cool guy.  Yes.

Then, the next day we were able to see Malika again, that was great.  Taught a lesson about PMG and then gave her one so that we can all study it together.  Yay!  Then that evening was an FHE, and it went very well.  We played that game where you set up an obstacle course, and then someone blind folded has to be guided by someone's voice while everyone else is just shouting at them.  Ha.  That was really fun.  And the people there seemed to take a lot away from it, so that was neat.  Man.  Good times.

Then samedi was a real surprise.  The Concorde Elders had a surprise miracle baptism of this older lady that said she needed to be baptized that saturday.  so we did.  And it was very spiritual baptismal service.  (Elder Olsen says hi).  Man.  Cool.  This ward is hoppin'.  We have several baptisms lined up for the near future, so that will be really cool.  Then that evening we went out to KFC with Laurent Urbani, and young adult going on a mission to Tahiti pretty soon.  He's super neat.

Then dimanche.  Elder Garside packing all day, church, good times, Frère Zulien was there.  Uh.  took lots of pictures, maybe I'll send them to you sometime :)

Man.  Cool.  I'm really happy to stay here in Muret again, and my companion's name is Elder Mattinson, so I'm excited to meet him, too.  Cool.  Man.  Yes.

I love you.

Elder Liechty

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