Monday, August 11, 2014

Week #48 - Muret

Dabadee, dabadie?  Ha.  Yeah. (a song reference)

We played this game at american night, where you have a cup shape of flour, with a coin at the top, and you have to slice the flour up and down without making the coin fall, and if it falls, you have to get it with your mouth, at it was hilarious.  And then one of the members had a hand full of flower, told me it smelled weird, and I fell for it, even though he is famous for that trick.  He got me.  Voila the results.  And this tie an elder gave me in suisse with the statue of liberty playing the saxophone.  Ha.  Yeah.


A letter from mom!

I forgive you :) 

Street boarding means that we go out on the street with a big sign and put it up and use it as an excuse to get a bunch of missionnaires together in a really busy area and talk to everyone we see.  It's a fun time.

WHAT. Elder Phelps called me the other day because he has to go home for a broken foot.  Maybe you're thinking of him?  He broke it a while ago, so they put him in the office for a little, but they just got some scans back and it's worse than it had seemed, and so he's headed home, hopefully just for a brief moment.

Heh heh heh.  Pictures.  So, I take pictures when I'm with a picture taking companion, which, yeah, is probably a bad habit.  I should be more of a leader when it comes to taking pictures.  Elder Garside isn't really a picture taking companion, but Elder Olsen and Elder Jenkings both take lots of pictures.  So.  Heh.  I'll try to get a boat load in because this may be my last week!  Also, pictures take one hundred hours to upload on these computers.  I'll do better.  I'm sorry.  I hope you can forgive me.

Mornings go like this:
30 minutes of exercise (give or take... :) ), 1hr to get ready for the day and eat breakfast, an hour of personal study, an hour of companion study, an hour of language study, and then out the door.  That's a normal morning.  For personal and companion studies, we use scriptures and PMG n other stuff like that, and for language I use whatever I can find that has to do anything with french and then do something with it.  Like study it, maybe.

Wait, so Lane and Derek were out front without Zach?  Ha.  Silly guys.  That reminds me of when Nate and Tommy would go into our backyard and sometimes make it in the basement.  Those were the days.

Heh heh.  School.  I don't have to worry about that for another year or so.  Ha.  Yes.

Wow.  People are just moving all over the place.  Why is Zach going to Seattle?  To be a hipster or what?

I've seen ads for that movie, was it any good?  And the new planet of apes?

This week went by a little too quick.  Check it.  Yo.

Lundi we had a big meeting with the missionnaires to coordinate an activity we were holding on saturday with the ward.  A "soirée américaine" or "american night".  Got down to business an all that.  Also, earlier that day, we went to visit some cathedrals in Toulouse, and they were neat.  I'll think about sending some of those pictures.  Cool thing:  we were looking around, and it was cool n all, kind of like every other cathedral in france, but it was getting kind of lame.  So we saw this place where you could go visit the crypts for 2 euros, so we thought, eh, why not.  We got in line to pay, this lady came up behind us, asked us if we were religious leaders, and we were like....not catholic...but, uh, kinda?  She said, well, it's free for everyone religious, so, we got in for free.  Pretty dang cool.

In all honesty, looking at our day for mardi, I cannot remember a second of the beginning of the day.  So.  Not important.  But that evening we started our exchange with the zone leaders, and it was neat.  We went out knocking some doors, and we were pretty far out, in a neighborhood right next to a JW congregation, so everyone thought we were them.  But we cleared it up, met some cool guys, and then even taught a lesson with a portugaise fella.  We were teaching him, then his son rolls up in his car, gets out, and then we start teaching the both of em.  Very neat.  We're gonna go back and force service upon them so that they love us even more.  I here that when you convert a portugaise person they're active for life.

The next day we had a couple tombez-vous, kind of a bummer, but we were able to talk to a lot of people, and that was neat.  We also got to pass a less active lady we hadn't seen in a while, sparked her out of her mind, and we should be seeing her again soon.  Also promised a guy cookies later, so that was neat.  Exchanges are always really neat, because you learn lots of different ways to do missionary work, and you get a chance to really flip it around and see miracles.  Good times.

Jeudi we had a really good district meeting, and it was great.  Talked about the importance of following up, because, bon, it's really important.  If you don't follow up, nothing is ever gonna progress.  Starting something without following up is pointless!  wow.  That applies to everything.  Elder Ballard even said that's how he got his wife was because he followed up.  The rest of the day was kind of a mess with a bunch of missed trains and changing plans and nothing really going great.  But it was my ONE YEAR MARK.  wut.  I kind of just sat at the train stations and thought about how it had already been a year, and I really want it to just slow down or maybe just stop for a second so I can get it all under control and kick booty this next year.  Whoa.

The next day was very cool.  We were able to teach and see this famille, André and Charlotte, that the elders in Toulouse gave us as a referral.  They had been texting him for months now because he was a potential ami, and finally were able to fix a RDV with him, and he lives in Muret.  They are some of the coolest people I've met yet.  We got there, and the lesson was kind of focused on him, and his wife was just kind of taking care of the baby off on the other side of the room, but eventually she just came and joined us and starting listening and it was so neat.  When Elder Garside was reciting the first vision, she mouthed along at the end.  Wut.  apparently she had met the missionnaires even before, like a couple years ago, and she recognized that.  It was really a neat RDV.  They want to come to an activity before they come to church, so we're gonna get them to our FHE this friday.  They won't know what hit them.
Then there was a beautiful thunderstorm that evening.

The next day was just preparing for the soirée américaine and then going to it.  Call me iron chef, we were cooking up cookies and pies and all sorts of hamburgers all day long and it was sweaty, and greasy, and smelly.  We had to run to and from stores because we kept forgetting to buy stuff, and to top it all off, it was like the most humid day that there has ever been.  But it was all worth it, because the soirée was a success.  So neat.  Such fun.  So many people came, and it was amazing.  The sisters put it all together, all we did was cook sugary and greasy things and call it american.  P.S.  You didn't say anything about them saying you have beautiful teeth.

Then sundee.  Dimanche.  Just a good old church day, good times, talking with members, fixing stuff for my maybe last week in Muret, no one knows.  I would enjoy to stay another, but, eh, whatever the Lord wants me to do, I must do it.  But, uh, hopefully he wants me to stay in Muret?

It's just getting hotter and humider every day here in Toulouse. Mmmmmmmm.

You guys sound like you had a killer trip.  Partying.  Having only good times and nothing but.  Well.  Cool.  I'm happy for you?  Just so you know, I'm having a better time, so.

I love you so much.  I've loved this last year of my life so much.  And there's another one to go.  I hope it doesn't go by so fast this time.  You probably won't recognize me when I get back, because I've been setting lots of goals and reaching them and one of them was get more handsome, and I think it's working.  But in reality, this is so neat.

And Chandler Madsen is going to  SAMOA ON HIS MISSION DID YOU HERE.  Whoa.  So cool.


Elder Liechty


I wanted to lance you a challenge.

Elder Ballard is coming to our mission (well, to the suisse part) the 7 of septembre, and we're supposed to be placing PMGs in everyone's homes.  So I was studying one of his talks the other day, and, he said EVERY member should have one.


I wanted to tell you that you should get one, and then study it with me!  See what I teach all the time!  what I learn all the time!  And read his talk "following up" I think it's called (in french it's called "faire du suivi")

Do it for, like FHE, and do it lots with sam, get that pupster more prepared than any brother before him.

Which reminds me.

remember that challenge I lanced, like, forever ago, for you to do FHEs?  FOLLOWING UP.  Are you still doing it?  Are you still the best famille?  You'll always be the best famille, who am I kidding, but, like, FHE is totes a commandment.




Elder Max Liechty

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