Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week #37 - Narbonne


I'm....staying in Narbonne!  Wooooooo!  This is first time my companion has left me and I haven't left my companion, so this is going to be exciting!  I'm the big boy in Narbonne now, no biggie.  I gotta take the lead now, wow!

My companion is Elder Costa, from Argentina.  YES.  A foreigner, finally.  But he went to BYU Idaho for a couple years, and he speaks perfect english, but, eh, at least he's not from west US like all the rest of my companions.  He's cool.  He was Elder Beyer's companion in the MTC, so that's a neat connection.

Well it sounds like you guys are just partying back there, so I'm gonna get a move on with the week:

Lundi we did a big ol deep clean of the apartment, and also went and visited the cathedral in Narbonne, finally.  It's like the only cool thing in Narbonne, but we hadn't gone to see it yet.  Ha.  Well we saw it and it's cool.  then that evening we went and saw the Mudarras.  We taught Pépé about prayer, and it got a little heated as it does some times when we talk about real stuff.  But those are always good, because we get real feelings and real issues out on the table and we can deal with them.  So it was neat.  Had a tasty dinner, too.  I think it was rabbit stew yuuuuuummmmmm.

Then mardi we were on exchange, and it was fun.  We got a quick RDV with Loulou, our crazy less active, and then had RCM, where we got it all out on the table and told our mission leader what's up and that he needs to slow down and stop doing some of the things he's trying to do, and don't worry, we can take care of that.  He's doing a lot to help, but he's kind of going a little outrageous sometimes with some of his ideas.  It's alright, that keeps it fresh.  Later that evening, we went to pass the Fructusos with cookies, they weren't there, so we passed an ami with cookies, he wasn't there, so we passed Frère Gisserot's wife with cookies, and she wasn't there.  BUT.  This really cool young couple came down as we were trying to call, and we said "if these people aren't home, we'll give you the cookies."  And they weren't home, so we gave them the cookies.  And made friends.  And learned a little about what they think religiously, and they said we could totes stop by some evening after seven, so we'll probably do that.  Neat.  Exchanges are always fun, because neat little things like that always happen.

Mercredi we came home from the exchange, and then went to our new famille's home, the mom's name is Afifa, and that's all I know right now, to do some service.  But there was something wrong with the gas, so that was shot.  But we still SPARKd her up and she was happy to see us, so that was neat.  That evening we managed to get out to Mémé and Pépé's, because it was the only time besides dimanche that we could see them.  So we got out, watched president Monson's talk from General Conference, and hustled back home (Don't let him know I told you this, but on the way home, Elder Phelp's fell off his bike :)  it was bound to happen to one of us one of these days :) He was fine, just a little bruised, no tears in his clothing).

Jeudi we had district meeting, and talked about Elder Andersen, because he's coming in A WEEK AND A HALF. That is going to be really cool to go see him with the whole mission.  We read a bunch of his talks, and shared what we liked about them.  Good stuff.  Then after, I went to Nîmes for another exchange.  This one was neat, because we got a lesson with one of their amis, Jawad, who is reeeaally searching for the truth, and that was cool to see.  I haven't taught anyone but Pépé for a while, so it was really good to teach again.  The spirit was definitely present during that RDV.

Vendredi we got transfer calls, and Elder Phelps is going to Montpellier as Zone Leader, so he'll be my ZL, and I'll see him again a few times this transfer, so no big.  We have some plans that he'll come back here and do some exchanges to surprise his grandpa.  Then we came home from the exchange, and went to game night in Béziers.  That was really neat, because a less active young man came and brought two of his homies, and they really enjoyed it.  And I got to make German pancakes, and they were delicious :) thunks

Samedi we had sportif, and the same less active boy, Carlitos, and one of his friends came (the other had a test, so no worries), and that was really neat.  good fun.  Then, we came back, and Elder Phelps started packing up, because we had plans already for Sunday and we would be gone most of the day.  so he packed up, and we did weekly planning, too.  Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.  I got your package on lundi, and I opened a gift a day (including the Bednar book, which is not the same one I had, no worries), until my birthday.  THUNKS.  I like ALL OF IT.  I'll send you a picture of me rocking it all.  Then, Elder Phelps made me a cheese cake, very tasty.  And also the Elders in Béziers found an old antiques store that sells records for a euro each, and they bought me a Chopin record that I can listen to in a couple years.  Very nice.  Yes.  Good day.

Dimanche was exciting, because we got to teach primary, and it was Mother's day in France.  so we practiced a couple songs they were going to sing in Sacrament meeting, and it was fun.  The performance went well.  Good group of youngsters.  Then we had the Mudarra birthday bash, because it was Pépé's birthday a few weeks ago, and mine the other day.  We had some amazing rice and shrimp and other seafood that Mémé made and it was mmmmmmmm good.  Uncles and Aunts and cousins were all there, good time.  Then, the senior couple had found a cool famille in Béziers they were going to start teaching, and we went to go visit them and sing for them and eat cheese with them.  SPARKd em up real good.  Played games with them, joked with the childrens, we got em wrapped around our fingers :)  they are a very cool famille, and I'm excited to see where this goes with them.

This was a fun week.  I'm gonna miss Elder Phelps, he was a very good companion, but I'm just as excited for Elder Costa.
Advice for Sam : go on dates instead of not going on dates.

I love Prez Uchtdorf's talk. I like gratitude.  It's important.  And it's also important to show your gratitude for stuff, not just to Heavenly Father in prayer, but also to people. I learned that people really like it a lot if you just say thank you.  SIMPLE.

So I'm staying in Narbonne, don't be afraid to mail that package :)
THANKS FOR HAVING ME AS A SON so that I could have birthdays :)
Elder Liechty
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Elder Phelp's family

The Catholic version of "I'm a Mormon" campaign - it must be working if they are using it now!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Week #36 - Narbonne


So, about the package real quick, they came to drop it off when I wasn't there, so they left a slip, and we went to the office to drop off the slip, but they didn't have the package there....hmmmmm...the slip said it got there Saturday, but they said they didn't get anything sat, so maybe it will come in today, so they'll call us.  Ummm, hopefully it gets here! 

I'm gonna miss Jackie(my brother's sweet sweet dog passed away this weekend).  Keeping those two in my prayers, for sure.  Man that's sad.

I forgot to bring my planner today, so anything important that I wanted to make sure I said is probably going to be missed, and I'll get it to you next week :) and we'll see if I remember anything about this week.


Lundi was pday, and we had planned to go a-fishing, but apparently it was going to be bad weather the afternoon.  Ummm, it was beautiful and warm all day, but the grandparents were convinced that it was going to get worse.  Eh.  Whatevs, so instead we kinda sat around, went to this book store that's fun to hang around in and look at the books and smell the new ones n stuff, then we had the grandparents in the evening.  We shared some more testimonies, and all seemed to be going well.

Mardi we had RCM, and that's all I remember from that day.  Actually, it was a missionaries only RCM, because our DMP said he couldn't do it that day (he's kind of bizarre sometimes).  I wish I could tell you more, but the missionary handbook says not to say negative things about your area :) it's not really negative, it just makes things a lot more FUN and interesting.  Yeah.

OH.  Just got a text from the post office, they have my package, cool.  Check.

Mercredi was Pépé's birthday, so we went over to surprise them, and shared a talk about gardening, because he loves his garden.  We've found the only way to get through is through the famille, and through the garden.  So we shared the "I'm the gardener here" one by Hugh B. Brown, I think it was.  Really good.  Still a stubborn little fella.  

Pépé is, a stubborn little man.  he doesn't really get logic.  for example, we asked him "Why do you think your grandson is here?" and he said "Well, because he's here!"  That's what we call Pépé logic.  And I hear what your saying, and it's definitely true.  I think he's waiting something huge.  Because Mémé had a big old manifestation in a dream, and Elder Phelps' mom had a big one, too, but Pépé isn't getting it.  On the other hand, he has had many amazing dreams he told us, but he doesn't understand.  One, for example, was him standing on one side of a river with his ancestors on the other.  And they were saying "come through the water."  Um, I think that's pretty clear, but he didn't think so.  And then he had the Jacob 5 Olive tree grafting dream, too, where he was on a dying tree that he knew was his famille, but his branch was the only good one. so the gardener cut him off and grafted him onto a new healthy tree.  Interesting.  We tried explaining with love what they mean, but he's not accepting.  He's come to church a few times, but he likes to find little things that bug him, like the small parking lot, and the fact that we went ten minutes over just drove him over the edge.  Eh.  We're still loving him, and there has to be something for him.  He needs to recognize the way he, himself, feels the spirit.  Keep praying please!

Jeudi was district meeting in the morning, really good stuff.  President has commanded us to use the BoM a lot more during contacting and during RDVs.  So, we're gonna do that, and it will be fun.  Then I went on exchange in Nîmes, BEAUTIFUL city.  However, I forgot my camera, so, uh, no pictures.  BUT.  I should be going back this Thursday for another exchange, and I'll bring my camera this time.  It's really a cool city, big old collesseum in the middle, old catholic stuff, very clean, too.  and lots bigger than Narbonne :)  We did lots of contacting and had a fun RDV, an overall real good exchange.

Vendredi I came back from Nîmes, and then Frère Fructuoso called us saying he had a friend that needed help moving.  He had told us about her, but we kind of had to force ourselves in to be invited to help, because members around here are afraid of what we'll do if we meet their friends.  So, we came in normal clothes and helped move and avoided forcing any church stuff on her, and gained the trust of Frère Fructuoso.  It was neat, and she said she would invite us over sometime for Couscous. Mmmmmmmmm.  That might be one of my favorite meals now.  Mmmmmmmmm.  Then, that evening, we were supposed to have a Soirée d'Information, but, uh, no one showed up.  Which is kind of okay, because we don't really like the soirée d'info, because the way it is presented is really mécanique, not enough love or testimony or spirit.  So, we were okay with it.  Our DMP was a little upset, but we lifted his spirits.

Then, samedi, we played b-ball up in Béziers, good time.  Béziers got a couple new amis who are pretty cool and played bball with us, good times.  Then, that evening, we went to the Mudarras, and shared the last testimonies, Elder Phelps' mom's and dad's.  The spirit was there, it was really cool, and we asked Pépé what he thought about them.  he said "they're good." and that was it.  We were kind of hoping for something more profound, but that was it.  He's really fighting the spirit, and it's dumb.  But we have to keep loving him, and we can't drop him because Prez told Elder Phelps "you can't drop your grandpa."  So.  After that we stopped by the Fructuosos, asked Frère Fructuoso a little more about this lady, and invited them to come to church the next day (because they are less active.)

Dimanche, he came!  Frère Fructuoso was able to get up and come to church, very cool.  Then, after a good sacrament meeting, we came home.  Then, Frère Fructuoso called us again saying that his friend needed help moving and wanted to give us Couscous that evening, too.  So, we went to help move (after deciding that no, service on sunday is not breaking the sabbath), sparked up the rest of her famille, and then had couscous with them later that evening.  Delicious couscous.  This part is funny.  We were eating around the table, talking, it's the mom (she's a widow of eight years), her daughter (20 something, maybe acutally younger), the daughter's BF-almost-fiancé, and her son (about 7).  And Frère Fructuoso.  We were sitting around, and then she said "clear this up for me, are you Mormons?" and we said YES.  And she asked "where are the beards and the big hats!?!" because everyone in France thinks we're actually Amish.  Ha.  so we cleared that up, discussed a few eternal truths, and so forth.   Still, very good RDV, and they invited us back Wednesday to finish moving and to teach her son english, who actually speaks it pretty dang well already.

the best part is, at the beginning of the week, we made a faith required goal to find a famille of four.  FOUND.  They might not be a perfect famille, or necessarily all married right now :) but God moves in mysterious ways.  Amen to that.  Very good week.

Well that's what I remember, it was cool.  
We're not giving up on Pépé, but keep praying for him.  We're gonna try some different things this week.
Jealous that you got to go to Rod Stewart.
What play was at the Hale Center?
Find out this week if I stay or go!  Now that we have had some cool success, I kinda want to stay.  I'd be happy wherever the Lord puts me, anyway.

Elder Liechty

Monday, May 12, 2014

Week #35 - Narbonne


If you must know, I have lost a liiiiitttle weight.  But I'm pretty sure it's the French clothes that did it.  Or the camera angle.

I loooooooooooved talking to you, too!  One hour is not much.  At all.  But, eh, whatevs, at least we got an hour!

Sam is just a lucky buns.  And I've been keeping in touch with Wesley, so I actually totes knew that, too. Oh yeah.

My real friends:
Jacen, Bobby, Kylie, Emily, Nate, Tommy, Ryan, Wesley, Mom, Dad, Caity, Zach.  Sam could work harder, but I'll add him to the list, too.  These are the real friends that write, at least from time to time.  Everyone else I'm gonna unfriend on Facebook when I get home


So last week started on lundi, comme d'habitude.  I don't remember doing much in particular for p-day, we did a real deep clean of the apartment, though.  Afterwards, we had the RDV with Pépé, and tried inviting him to stop drinking, but he said that he wouldn't do that, not even for his famille.  He says, it's not hurting anyone, so why stop?  We told him that it changes him when he's drunk, and that also it's hurting himself, and he gets grumpier, but we just have to keep rubbing those facts in his face, with love, until he stops.

Mardi we went out to Lezignan early in the morning, to pass and see if a less active lived there.  The member lists here in France are pretty sketchy and sometimes have false information, so we have to do this kind of thing often, then mark up the list on our own.  But we found that they live there!  We didn't get to meet them, but that gives us something to do next time we go visit Elder Phelp's grandparents!  we also walked past a guy building a wall, and he recognized us as Mormons, and chatted up with us.  He was neat.  We offered to help build his wall, but, being French, they like to do it on their own, so he said no.  Eh.  We're getting close, however, with this whole service searching thing.  We're gonna get in contact with the Red Cross here in Narbonne, and we have a couple other potential activites in Béziers.  COOOOOL

Mercredi was really fun, because we got to go out to Fleury d'Aude on our bikes, which is a good ol distance.  We brought cookies with us, because there are two familles that live out there, one active, one less active.  And they're neighbors!  We went out and gave them cookies and left, showing them that we didn't want to take a lot of their time, but that we love them.  Because the active famille had always been kind of "eh, we don't really want you over" and the French mentality is that you can't come over unless the house is really clean and we have a huge meal for you.  And at the same time, that's a lot of work, so instead of being invited over to lots of clean houses with big meals, we just....don't really get invited :) but little things like this show that we still love them, and one day will get us into their house!

Jeudi was reaeaeaeaeaeally fun.  We had a BBQ with the grandparents in the morning with their really good friends, who lived in America for a little bit.  We invited them over to get to know them n stuff, and it was really fun.  We made the meal, it was enchiladas and guacamole, and it was goooooooooood.  Then, that evening, we hustled out to Ouveillan where another less active lives, and taught him the restoration, because, like you said yesterda, some of them might as well be amis it's been so long!  He loved it, you could tell he felt the spirit, and it was great.  We invited him to start reading the LdM again, and we gave him a chapter to read.  And he asked "can I read it over and over again?  And can I read more than just that chapter?" and we said "Of course!"  So this is really cool.  even though we might not have many (any) progressing amis, we're working with some pretty cool less active members.

Vendredi we went on exchange with the zone leaders, I stayed here in Narbonne.  Right when Elder Leduc, the ZL, got here, we got a text from Isabelle, who we had not seen since the beginning of this transfer, and she said she wanted to see us in the parc.  So we changed plans and went there and chatted with her, and taught her a little.  While we were there, this drunk man came up and started talking to us, and saying drunk guy stuff, and Isabelle was there defending us, so that was cool.  It's interesting with her, she loves the Mormons, her best friend is LDS, but she's kind of a free spirit and doesn't like to be pinned down to one thing, like the church.  She's cool, anyway, and that was a neat miracle.  Then after, we have a member visiting here in Narbonne from Lormont, where Elder Leduc had served before, so we set up a secret surprise RDV with her in another parc, so that was fun.  Afterwards we headed out to Béziers for game night, another success!  A less active famille was there, as well as more members this time.  We played spoons, it was a hit, and we ate yummy pancakes.  And the weather that evening was veerrry pleasant.

Samedi we started out by playing some b ball with Carlitos, and that was reall fun. Instead of playing 3 on 3, like usual, we played Knock out, and that was real good.  After that we came back to Narbonne, switched companions again, and then headed out to the Fructuosos for a quick visit, just to see them, because they haven't been back to church for a while again.  We asked them to write their testimonies in a couple of LdMs, and we'll hand them out.  They were very excited, and talked about how the missionaries first met them, and the love and the spirit they felt.  But something is keeping them from church, and we gonna find it out.  After that we saw the Mudarras again, yummy dinner, yummy spiritual thought, played some Rummikub, too.

Then yesterday I got to talk to you all!  We had bigger plans to do stuff in Béziers while we waited to do Skype, but Greg came to pick us up earlier than we had expected, so we didn't have much time.  But, eh, whatevs, because I got to talk to my famille and that was awesome.  I LOVE YOU

This was a pretty hoppin week.  Hopefully next week we get more time for contacting n stuff, even though I love RDVs n less actives, but we need to find more new amis!  Thanks for your prayers and your loves.

I can't think of anything else.  Eh.

Elder Liechty

PS. Something I forgot to tell you:

I brought a couple of pants with holes in the (you know where) to Mémé, because that was her job once upon a time, a seamstress, and she took care of them.  And while she was finishing them up, she said had this kind of feeling or impression that you were sitting next to her, thanking her for taking care of me.

So, I don't know how your praying or what your praying about, but keep it up, because that's a neat little story.

Love you much!

Dinner aftermath

Chef Elder Phelps


Dinner with Pepe and friends

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Week #34 - Narbonne


Feliz Cinco de Mayo to you too!  Joyeux Cinq de Mai.  Eh.  Not the same ring.

The next transfer is the day after ma birthday, the 25th.  And, also, I have a request for a birthday present?  I was wondering if you could send me a George Gershwin CD, like greatest hits or something.  Because I talked to prez about it and he said "eh, he's basically 100 years old, go ahead."  My only desire is that it has at least Rhapsody in Blue and Prelude No. 2 on it.  THANKS

I've heard the dandelion thing, too, but I haven't eaten them yet.  But, it is starting to be summer, the season of dandelions, so I'll have to keep you updated!  We eat lots of salad in France.  Lots.

My favorite dish is Saucisse Rougaille, which isn't really French, but it's from Île de la Réunion, which is a French département, so count it.  Other than that, we had really good cous cous the other day.  That was mmmhmmhhmmmmmm.  The least favorite I've had is....this one time we went to someone's home and all we had was salad and then this other vegetable thing.  It was tasty, but, like, let's be real.

Have you had the chance to listen to/watch David A. Bednar's talk "The Character of Christ"?  It was given in the MTC a few years ago, and they recorded it, and it is GOOOOOD.  I was reading his book that you sent me, and it made me think of it.

Thuh Weak

Lundi we went on exchange with Béziers, after P-day of course.  Also that day I tried riding my bike while holding groceries.  It was, let's say, fun.  Then the exchange was real good, we passed a less active young man because his parents were both in Barcelona for the week, and we wanted to see how he was doing.  then, when we came back in, we noticed one of our neighbors trying to carry some big appliance up the stairs into her apartment.  So we went out to help her and her friend, made friends with them, it was real cool, and then supplied them with some tools to install it.  Gotta make good friends with the neighbors, always important!

Mardi we finished up the exchange, we did some contacting on the street, Béziers is interesting.  Then, I had brought the bikes up from Narbonne so that we could go far out and pass some less actives that they hadn't been able to pass yet because there aren't busses, and they don't have bikes.  So that was really neat.  We found their homes, but no one was home.  eh.  happens.  Then that evening we had a RDV with la famille Fructuoso.  Down in Narbonne things sounded like they went pretty well, too.  They were out contacting, and they passed on the road one of the members visiting here from Bordeaux and her daughter, and then this guy we had contacted a while ago, the guy from NZ with the big ol moustache, and he wanted to talk again.  Cool guy.  People are starting to like us here a little bit!

Mercredi was cool.  We had zone conference, filled with the spirit.  Very cool.  Then we went to Mémé and Pépé's house.  WITH PRESIDENT RONEY.  We had invited him, since it was kind of on the way to the next zone conference, and he came, with the assistants and the office elders and his famille.  It was really good.  Spirit was felt again!  Pépé is progressing, little by little.  But he's still a stubborn little Spaniard.

Jeudi was neat, too.  We had a lesson with our less active friend Loulou, and then we rode our bikes out really far, about 16 km, to pass a famille and a less active famille.  The active famille ended up not being there, but the less active famille was!  we got in and talked with them, and they invited us back whenever we want.  Then we biked back and our legs were really huge.

Then good ol vendredi, we went n saw Mémé and Pépé again, taught a good little lesson.  Then we had game night again, not as many people showed up this time, but it was still a big success, with three less actives there!  They had a real good time.  One of them was the Fructuoso's son, who hadn't been to this church since they moved here to Narbonne, so this was his first time.  Good first time experience, I'd say.

Samedi evening we rode our bikes really far again, about 15km out this time, to pass a less active fella that we had only been able to talk with on the phone before.  We came out, and he was like "It's not true!" and he welcomed us in and it was really neat.  He showed us his really nice bike, but he had just had surgery and he couldn't bike for a while, so he was a little downed.  But hopefully soon.  We became his friend, and he, too, said come back as we please.  He can't really leave the house, so chances are he'll be there!  He's very neat, and his testimony still seems cool.  We had lots of less active success this week!

Then yesterday.  First hour of church was interesting, as it always is.  Then, during second hour, Mémé and Pépé came, out of nowhere.  That was a very pleasant surprise!  Pépé was a little grumpy afterwards because church went over ten minutes, but it was still good that he came!  Then after church a member had invited us over for lunch, and that was fun.  Tasty.  Then we went to Mémé and Pépé's just after, food appointment to food appointment, feeling like a state side mission here :)  But we had a good RDV with them, Pépé still slowly progressing.

This week is gonna be crazy.  We're inviting Pépé to not drink wine for an entire week.  Just to see how he changes. He said he can stop whenever we wants, so we're gonna challenge him, and use his boiling Spanish blood against him to accept the challenge.  Actually, we're just going to use love and the spirit.  And if he doesn't accept today, we're gonna invite tomorrow.  and the day after if not.  But if you could pray for him, that would be awesome.  we want him to have a really spiritual experience this week while he's not drinking.  THANKS

so, as for MOTHERS DAY.

We are planning on going to a member's home Sunday evening.  We'll probably get there around 18h, so 10h for you guys, which means you may or may not need to quit out of sacrament meeting a little early?  But it's around then that I should be calling, so LOOK OUT.

love you bunchets.  Have a sweet week, and tell sambo to stay cool

Elder Max Liechty

Pres and Sister Roney, Memee and Pepe