Monday, January 19, 2015

Week #71 - Avignon


It was CDs (He sent us some French CD's for Christmas) that I wanted disguised as a gift :)  KIDDING, they were just, like, 2 or 3 euros or something and I was, like, DEAL, so I bought it and sent it home.  It's for YOU but I'll probably download it onto iTunes when I get home :)

Thanks :)

1. Pdays are okay.  They're kinda  a bummer cuz we live 30 minutes outside of Avignon, so we have to work around bus times to make sure we can get out n back and get groceries and clean and everything.  And Avignon as a ville is really cool, but there's not so much outdoorsy stuff to do, but there is the Pont d'Avignon that we're gonna danse on!

2. (Do you have a hard time falling asleep...he's always been a big complainer about noises) I would, but Elder Beck brought a boatload of earplugs, so I use earplugs these days.  Alright.  I've been having a tough time sleeping lately, though, getting reeeaaaallllly reaaaalllly sweaty (this doesn't need to be shared with everyone :)), cuz the other elders all like sleeping hot, but I'm a cold sleeper.  So, we're trying to work things out.

3. My ear hasn't caused me any problems so far, still if I cover the good ear everything sounds kinda muffled, but, like, I can hear so it's cool

4. (Engineering still as a major?) Yeah right now still thinking about it, thinking more and more about AIRPLANES, too, just because those are sweet.  So, like, yeah.  I think that's what I'm still planning on?

5. (Asking about vinyl records) I think Bobby has some and I have the rest BUT ZACH CAN'T HAVE 'EM.  They're mine.  He can boorrrrroow them.  If I have them, they'd either be in Sam and my room, or in the guest room with the basket of CDs if that still exists, or they might all be at Bobby's.
Also, that's such a hipster wedding gift.

6. No responsibilities 'cept sharin' the good word (Any responsibilities at church?)

7. (Would he mind moving upstairs when he gets back)  Hmmmmmmm.  I might not mind it that's just that it's a lot harder to drag yourself up the stairs after watching TV all night on the new couch than to drag yourself down the hallway......but then again who knows, maybe I won't be into that anymore!  If I was in Zach's old room, would I still be allowed to use the new and improved downstairs bathroom?

8.  (What are Manifestations) More like marches than gatherings, no speakers, just a bunch of people

Well shoot, maw.  I forgot my planner again, but this was a really cool week, so I'll do all I can to remember what in the world happened.

Lundi after pday, we visited Jean-Personne, our main man, at his store and taught a lesson about the Book of Mormon.  It went well, and he was suuuper proud of the prayer he said at the end, and I'll admit it was pretty good.  Other than that, we went to the bus station to figure out times to go pass the referral we received last week.  And that.  Was. The.  Night.

The next day was the miracle day.  So we planned all up to go pass our referral out in this little village called Pernes-les-Fontaines (that we totes have to go to again and take pics cuz there's FORTY public fountains and over 100 private fountains in this tiny little town!  Provence, that's where I am right now, is known for it's fountains for some reason), and it was pretty difficult to get to it.  We had to take a bus to a bigger village, and hope that another bus would go there, because they weren't selling times in the bus office last night. We got there, found that there WAS a bus going that we could catch, but it was gonna be tight.  So we did a little work in the big ville, Carpentras, and then hit up Pernes, walked all the way to this guy's house (turns out he lives on the out out out skirts of Pernes), and miracle HE WAS HOME: wooooooooooooo.  He was home, we gave him the LdM he asked for, taught him about it, and he said we could come back no probs.  Mom, it's not every day you receive referrals in France!  This is the second one I've received my entire mission.  Sweeet.  So then anyway it took so long to get out there that we missed the bus we were gonna take, caught the later one which shooooulda worked, but it came late, and we missed the connecting bus home......But whatever.  We called a member that lived out there, and he came and got us, and this other guy we met at the bus stop that had also missed the bus.  That was real neat, cuz had we not missed the bus, this guy woulda been stranded, cuz he's not from around here, but we DID miss the bus and the guy was NOT stranded!  Cool miracle.

The next day we actually went to Carpentras again because we had a lunch rdv with some Tahitians.  We went out a little earlier so we could work in Carpentras a little, and we got caught up talking to three really neat homeless guys for an hour.  Then the rdv destroyed me.  It was sooooooo much food, and since then I have been in pain and I don't know what's up.  It's alright, though, because it's starting to subside :)  it was delicious, however.  Now, I cannot for the life of me think of what else we did that day, but I imagine we hit the streets and contacted a bunch of people before goin' on home.

Now, these next few days weren't nearly as cool as those other ones, but they were still fun.  I think.  I'll tell you what I remember.

Thursday we had a rdv with our friend Hassani we had just met.  We watched a talk by Prez Monson and talked about living prophets and the restoration.  It was really neat, and Hassani was eatin' it up.  Well, he was really participating, so it was cool.  After that, from what I remember, we went porting in an outer ville and met lots of real neat people and it was fun.

The day after was weekly planning, and then a dinner rdv with Sr Protano and fils, and then to the church to do guitar/spiritual thought with a less active boy that we're gonna do work with in the next little bit.

then was Samedi!  I cannot for the life of me remember what we did.  We had plans to go to a members home, but he cancelled due to bad weather, and so I think we went to do some passes, learned a couple people don't live there anymore, and talked to strangers on the bus and in the street.  OH YEAH.  I met this lady on the bus who was holding a bunch of shark movies, and I went NUTS, and then on the same bus was this lady whose ex-husband was a mormon.  I never know what to do in that situation, cuz it's happened before. "oh, why did you split?" "oh, what did he do? Was he a bad mormon?" you know?  So I just kinda brushed it aside after aknowledging (sic) it and talked about her current famille instead.

Up next comes dimanche.  We got to see Etienne this day, and that was cool.  Had a good rdv with him about the gospel of Jesus Christ and missionary work, and then we're still working on his hours at work so he can come to church, and he said he's gonna go straight up to his boss and say "hey" and get him to change the hours, so that would be cool.  We also met a guy from Sri Lanka and another guy from Portugal that day.

So that was the week!  Here, Martin Luther King, Jr. day is not celebrated, but this drunk homeless guy was shouting at the other elders the other day saying he's related to Obama, MLK, jr, Malcom X, George Bush and all those guys, so that was pretty funny.

Tell e'eryone I love them!

Elder Max Liechty

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