Monday, December 30, 2013

Week #15 - Bordeaux

Yo yo YO (again)

So yeah, that was really neat seeing all y'all on Christmas, very fun, very excited to use that new bathroom in two years.  Stoked.

Tell nana and poppa HOLY SMOKES for me!  That sounds like a real party, wish I coulda been there!  (They had a horrible return trip back to VA) Really nuts.  Ha ha WOW.  I'm just imagining nana and poppa out late partying in a taxi and arriving home in Leisure Ville all late and what not and then the workers there having to help them home or something.  That's hilarious.

Gamewise, not really.  We bought UNO today, because we needed a game to play with a famille tonight at FHE, but that's it.  That and shooting my new toy gun and spinning the Spongebob Tops.  I saw a real, legit Mille Bornes at the market today, thought about buying it, but it was already opened and kind of in bad condition, so maybe the next time I see it.

In the latest news, we finally got a DVD/CD player in our appartement, so that's really nice.  The office was all out, and we didn't have one for our new appartement, so they told us to buy one.  So I threw down 80 Euros on that puppy, luckily I get it reimbursed, so no big.  But now I can listen to those CDs, and we also got a new one for Christmas from President Roney.  It's got good music, too.

So the week, alors.

Lundi, we had plans for that guy, but we ended up getting out there too late, calling him, telling him we'd be late or we can do it another night, so we did it another night.  And this night instead we went porte à porte, wishing people happy holidays n whatnot.

Then mardi we went nuts making cookies n stuff to give to membres.  Then we went out to a famille's house a little while away, the Spagnolinis, to give them cookies.  We tried to sneak them on the door and run, but they saw us, invited us in, so we prayed with them and talked about Christmas.  Then we ran out, because we had a RDV with our ami André, who had been out of town since I got here.  And then I didn't even get to teach him, because I had to run back to the appartement and get some stuff to take to our dinner appointment that night.  Then we had the dinner appointment.  And you wanted me to tell you what I ate again so everyone can here: get excited.

There was crab, oysters, shrimp, snails, scallops, mussels, salmon, and all of this RAW.  completely uncooked, all of it still in its shells, the shrimp still had its eyeballs, its antennae, its legs.  Same with the crab.  Oh man oh man oh man, and when they opened the crab, Frère Alves exclaimed "it's a girl" and then we commenced to eat the CRAB EGGS.  Also raw, mind you.  And the oysters.  They were still ALIVE.  they were soaking in seawater, and you had to poke them with your knife to make sure they were still alive before you ate them.  Then you throw them down your throat.  NUTS.

And one more thing we ate:  Foie Gras.  It's a specialty of Bordeaux.  what it is:  duck liver.  How you make it:  bury the duck, with just its head sticking out, and feed it until it's gut EXPLODES.  Then mash up the liver and voilà, foie gras.  Very yummy.

and this whole family we ate with were Tahitien.  And they made too much food for just Christmas Eve, so we returned and finished everything for Christmas lunch.

Then we passed some membres with banana bread, wished them merry Christmas, then went to Tommy's house TO SKYPE.  Then I Skype'd ya.  Then after we watched Mr.  Kreuger's Christmas, because it's a very good Christmas movie.

Then oh my gosh the day after, jeudi, nuts.  We had plans to go pass this lady up in a ville called Lacanau.  It's up by the beach, and we imagined there would be some places to porte or contact, so we set out a big amount of time up there.  Then we got there, ate lunch on the beach, and came to realize it is just a vacation town.  Nooooooooooo.  It was a two hour bus ride out there, and the next one didn't come for FIVE MORE HOURS.  So we talked with the few people we were there, tried passing this lady several times, only to find out the address we had was actually here secondary beach home...So that was kinda a drag of a day.  But then that evening we had a leçon with a guy we found out of the Area Book, so that was cool.  Good leçon, gonna go back soon.  Invited that sucka to pray about the LdM and if God is really there.  He was a cool old French guy who likes a very wide range of music.

Oh, also that day, that made Lacanau a little less of a drag, was that I made a guy laugh reallllll big on the street.  Because he saw us, knew what was coming, but then I threw him off by asking him if he thought the weather was good or bad that day.  He was all "Now I'm not into this whole religio....." bustin' up at that point, cuz I threw him off.  That's how you open people up, that's how you get them to listen.  Because they all have what they want to say planned.  they know you're gonna try to talk to them, so they're gonna say "je suis pressé" or I'm in a hurry.  So bus the barrier.  And then he wasn't really interested anyway, but at least that was a good seed planted in his heart, not a "stinkin' JWs" bitter seed.

Then we had zone training, this is vendredi, very fun.  Then after, with our whole district, we went out Streetboarding.  Where you set up the sign with a big question on it where there are a lot of people and then you talk to EVERYONE.  first guy I talked to gave me his number, so that got me pumped for the rest of the time, got a few more numbers, gave lots of cards, gave out a DVD, talked to, giving it a guess on the lower side, 50 people in two hours, which was lucky for a whole day back in Gex.  This place is NUTS.  Then we had to go pass this other referall down by the church, she wasn't there....again....and then we had  lesson with Tommy and Kéziah, who were the Tahitiens we had dinner with, too.

Then we had plans to go up to Pauillac to teach André, but we didn't have a place to teach him, and it started to rain big time up there, so we didn't go.  It was a bummer.  He called us when it stopped for a little, told us we could come again, but then it started again, big time, so we still couldn't go.  Then we bummed around, didn't know what to do, cuz we had a killer day planned in Pauillac, another ville about two hours by bus, and now we had nothing.  Then we remembered that we hadn't yet done weekly planning because of zone training, so we did that.  Then we tried to pass some less actives that lived by us, I talked to this guy with a lot of class and a very nice beard, planted another good seed, and that was the day.

Then dimanche was killer because we sparked the membres UP, set up RDVs n whatnot, and this was kinda the first time I had talked to membres without my collègue next to me to help.  So it was a RUSH.  but I got some good stuff DONE.  Got us the new ward list, then set up a lunch with the ward clerk, found a lady to hem my H&M suit pants that I have been keeping up with tape until now...and then some other RDVs during the week.  Very cool.  Then we went and tried to pass that same referral down by the church, wasn't there AGAINAGAINAGAIN, then we had a FHE with a very cool famille, something we set up that day also.  Their daughter is a littled challenged in some way, and less active, but we're becoming her friends and she's opening up, and she's very very cool.  The whole family.  We gave them the sacrament because they were too sick to come to church, and it was cool, because I think this is the first time in a long time where Tess, the LA daughter, took the sacrament.  Spirit was strong n stuff.

Now we're here today again.  Got a haircut today, at a real coiffure, pretty neat.  This European dude massaging my head with shampoo then clipping my hair all European like.  We have another FHE set up for tonight, should be very fun.  The daughter of this famille is also very less active, maybe more less active, and she smokes.  But she was at church the other day because her mom gave a talk.  Now we're gonna break into their house and rebaptize that daughter or something, reactivate her in someway.

50 pushups is a lot, but I think I can do it.

I love working, I love the Lord, I love ma famille.


elder Liechty

Also, New Years plans,
there's a big fête going down at the church the night before, so that.  But that's it for now.  We might have to go in early or something because it's a big city and it's a big festival.  We'll see.

and also, I haven't gotten the letter yet, and I don't remember what address I gave you, but Elder Foote got a letter, and here's the address that worked:

Les Missionaires
Elder Max Liechty
app 80 tour 5
2 Rue Raoul Ponchon
Mérignac 33700

And also sorry for the kind of quick cut off on Christmas, I meant to drag it out longer, but then I accidentally clicked :)

And also we were in this ville the other day, and on every street corner they were playing Last Christmas by Wham!.  so that was nuts, and also Christmas was already passed.  Hmmmmm.

anyway, love you lots
elder Liechty

And gosh dang, also I know Presiding Bishop Caussé's father and brother, they are in my ward here in Bordeaux
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