Monday, December 16, 2013

Week #13 - Bordeaux



Okay, so, still don't know my address...We asked the senior couple, but they haven't responded yet.  And also, our name isn't on the box yet, so I wouldn't get the mail...But you can give that other address away, because I see the zone leaders at church all the time and other times during the week for meetings, so they can give me the mail.  We'll get on this whole mail thing real nice and fast.

I can honestly say I have no idea about Skype on Christmas...We haven't exactly been invited to anyone's house yet...We were going to go to a recent converts house, Tommy, who is really cool, but he's gonna go out of town for Christmas.  Nuts.  And also Elder Foote's family is going to be here in France for Christmas, so he'll have to Skype at a different time, probably, because their plane gets in at five in the afternoon, that day.  so.  I realize the big day is coming up, but I have no idea what we're doing.  Sorry.  We'll figure that out, too, before the next email.

My comp is Elder Foote, from Reno, Nevada, and he's super cool.  Really tall, super funny, knows French and all that.  Been out for about a year and a half.  We're totally getting along, no worries there.  He's been in BDX for one transfer before.  And he was in this zone a long time ago, and he's back.  The thing about the BDX zone is that once you're in, you don't get out.  At least for four transfers.  And if you get out earlier than that, you'll be back one day.  Ha.  Bordeaux, man.

I like Bordeaux because it's big and we get to ride buses and trams and we have a new apartement.  I like how there is a lot of people, so if we don't have any plans or if some plans fall through, there's always something to do because there's always people.  And I like Bordeaux because it's so much more French than Gex.  This is real France.  Old buildings, buses, trains, rivers, rats in the street (like Ratatouille), and crazy old guys that swear at you and have funny southern French accents.  I love it.

Zone conference where we get our gifts is TOMORROW.  Stoked.

Weather:  Sometimes it's really cold, sometimes it's warmish.  We've worn our coats out the past few days, but today we were just out in our white shirts and ties.  That was nice.  Not nearly as cold as Gex no no no.

Things from home:  LOVE.  And also I'm just about out of that special face stuff, the expensive stuff, Ziana (?).  And vitamins, I'm just about out of vitamins.  But yeah, that and love and prayers is all I need right now!

Long train ride, it was really fun.  I was a little nervous at first, because I figured there would be people there to pick me up, but there wasn't, and I just kinda got on the train and did my thing, but it was fun.  Gotta talk with neat people, sit on my buns for about a hundred hours, read some good scripture, SHARE THE GOSPEL, all that good stuff.  Very fun.

WHAT IS A VANITY and what was it doing in my bathroom.

I recognize the name Robinson, but I can't say I knew him.  Family is in the prayers, though, bien sur.

So we're a little short on time today, there was an accident on the tramway, which slowed us down a little bit...So this might be a quick little ditty of an email.  Here goes:

We've been building IKEA stuff in our new apartement a lot of the week and attending for the men with the big appliances, but we got it all in place n such.  and the apartement smells like IKEA, and kind of like our house in Germany, if you remember that smell.  (It smelled like IKEA.)

but other than that, we've had lots of opportunities for contacting, because there're lots of people.  Found some neat guys the first day, some numbers taken, found a guy who plays guitar, got his number, maybe gonna play guitar with him one day, baptize him another.

And we had the occasions to meet with some members, namely Tommy, Frère Handy, and Soeur Farel.  All very neat people, and I love them.  Man it's easy to love people if you just tell yourself you love them.  Either that or I'm very convincing.  Or easily convinced...

Tommy is a recent convert, from Tahiti, but doesn't look Tahitian; he's very cool and funny and loves the missionnaires.  And he lives with a bunch of other Tahitians in his apartement, we like to call it Hotel Tahiti.  We shared a message about Geneology and how COOL it is.  I really love geneology, I do.  That's something else I would love from home, maybe some cool stories from ancestors, or like from other really old people that have cool stories that may or may not actually be related to us, but are still cool...

Frère Handy has some kind of mental disability, might have been caused by when he was young and played rugby.  He's very slow, but he's so nice and loving and great.  And he bises us (cheek kissin deal), and he has a short beard normally.  Very itchy on the face, but it's alright.  This whole bising thing isn't even a surprise anymore.  I see people do it all the time EVERYWHERE and when it comes to me, I take it like a man.  But we are only allowed to bis men, so it's fine.  And it's different here than Gex; they do three times in Gex, but only two times here, kinda throws me off.  But anyway, we shared a scripture, 2 Néphi 4:15-35, one of my favorites, about how to always put your trust in God and His Son, even when you feel like you can't.  And focus on them rather than your sins.  that's a real nice scripture, READ IT.

Soeur Farel is really old and lives really far away, in Ghetto Bordeaux.  Not really ghetto, just the boonies, Blanquefort.  And she's so old she was here in Bordeaux when Mitt Romney served here.  LONG AGO.  She showed us some really neat old pictures, and I loved them, because they were old, and also French.  Then we shart a little thought with her, lifted her spirits, talked about her inactive children, and she said she wasn't too worried, she knows they'll come back some day soon.  that's faith.  Awesome lady.

And we had a couple other little RDVs with membres, all our amis are out of town right now, but Enrique will be coming back soon.  He's engaged to baptism this January, and apparently he's ELECT.  Very ready, very excited, we just gotta teach all the lessons.  Cool.  Pray for him, thanks.

So I'm here in this ghetto internet café, not sure if I should risk putting my SD camera card in this computer...So you might not get pictures for some time...I'll see, maybe one day I'll risk it.  And Bordeaux is cool, but pictures don't really do it justice.  so old, so French, and the other night we were out by the river doing some street contacting, and I saw THE FATTEST rat in the world run across the path and down under the bridge.  So French.

So I love you all so much, very excited for Christmas, I'll get on that as soon as I can, excited for the presents, all that, LOVE YOU
Elder Liechty

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