Monday, December 23, 2013

Week #14 - Bordeaux

Yo yo yo you you you,

So, first of all, the plans:

We're gonna Skype it up at 6 pm over here, that makes 10 am over there.  Them's the plans right now.  Should stay that way.  And yeah, I think it's an hour, but, like, I don't know.  As you can tell, I don't really know a lot.  But we will be Skyping, count on that.

Christmas plans:  going to Tommy's house.  Tommy is a recent convert, from Tahiti, and he rocks.  You'll see him on Skype, and try to keep my first name a secret.  He's been trying to find me on Facebook the last few days, and I like to keep it a little tease, something I may or may not tell him on my last day here.  Ha ho ho ha hooooo.  And the night before, Christmas Eve, you know, we're going to some more Tahitian's houses for a big feast.  I'm stoked, because Tahitians eat a lot of fish, and I like fish.  These are our plans.  Stoked.

We do have a senior couple over this area.  There name is the Dickensons, from Wales/originally from England, and Elder Dickenson sounds exactly like Wallace from Wallace and Gromit.  It's hilarious and I love it.  We work with them a lot, at least a lot more than we did back in Gex with the Genève Senior couple.  I've heard of the Brias, I think they're down in Nice?

Speaking of seeing pictures of people, Elder Foote is all up in the new Ensign!  Or, at least the new Liahona, the one with all the conference talks.  He's in there with a couple other Elders and Sœurs in Lyon.  Neat.

I got the package, keeping all the gifts closed till actual Christmas, still stoked for whatever I get, and they're sitting under my paper tree with all the notes from the good people of America on it.  Looks like Christmas back there.

Still loving Bordeaux.  Loving it.

It's a normal building, and there are three wards in Bordeaux, I'm in the Eysines ward.  My sector covers the real Bordeaux, like the big city status, so that's neat.  We used to have our own ward building, but it was burned down, suspected ARSON (oh la la), so now we meet in the Talence building, which is really far away from where we live, so it's a nice bus ride and walk out there.  It's a decent sized ward, not as big as Gex, but still pretty nice.  The members are super cool, I just have to get to know them and start working with them and gaining their trust, then come the baptemes.

It will probably always be afternoons here in Bordeaux when I email, yes.

Good ol' lundi we taught English class in the evening, down in the institute center, and this lady comes every week, not yet a member, but she is being taught by the sisters.  Teaching English is always fun because I love hearing French people try to read an English word before you tell them how to pronounce it.  Very fun to hear, makes me love the people even more.

Then we had zone conference, mardi, and I got my PRESENTSSSSSSS.  and also get this get this get this, you remember you told me to look for two sisters for Frère Terry?  Well one of them is now in England, I think I already told you, and the other, Soeur Karissa Magelby, was at the same zone conference the other day, so I said hi for Frère Terry.  You can tell him I did that for him.  Then that evening we went out caroling with the whole district, very fun.  Spent most of the time singing, but then I noticed this guy that I wanted to talk to, who had stopped his bike to listen, so I went and I took my book, showed him where we were, and then we sang the end of "Les Anges dans nos Campagnes" and he LOVED IT.  He thanked me so much afterward, then I gave him a Christmas DVD I had with me, then he thanked me more, and he was really cool and and and......I forgot to give him our number or take his.....I was too stoked at how cool he was.  Nuts.  But now the seed has been planted, his heart has been touched, he is ready for the next missionnaires to meet him.

Mercredi we had a nice little RDV with Tommy in the afternoon, talked to him about the importance and blessings of the Sacrament, because he hadn't been to church the past few weeks, and he loved it, said he felt bad he hadn't been in a while, said he'd come.  Then invited us to his house for Christmas, of course we said yes, he's excited to meet you all.  I like Tommy.

Jeudi we had lunch with the famille Spagnolini, who are awesome and very old.  Frère Spagnolini has only half of one of his legs and none of the other, or something, and his voice is really raspy and kind.  And he goes to bed at about four o'clock in the afternoon because he's so old.  The lunch was delicious, then we shared a thought about CHRISTMAS.  Then we did some work in the Area Book, looking for anciens amis we could teach again; hopefull some of the people we picked will work out.  Also this day, we found this girl from England who said she didn't know what to believe, and we said we want to help her to find out, so we set up for the next day.

The plans we had with Daniella, the English girl, fell through.  BUT.  She texted us.  That might not sound like a big deal, but it totally is, because that means 1 - she kept the card and 2 - she didn't want us to go out and not find her and be disappointed.  Cool.  But she's still cool and we'll have a RDV with her someday.  And she totally has a crush on Elder Foote, we might have to pass her to the Soeurs :)
Then that evening we had a quick unplanned RDV with Frère Rebuffo, during which he gave us some less actives to search for, and also asked us to go to his sister's house and tell her that he is still there and living, because they haven't had contact for some time.  So that'll be sweet and hopefully some spirit will touch this woman when we do that.  Same with the other referalls he gave us.

This fine samedi evening was the Christmas party!  We had some amis show up, Tommy was there, lots of members, and there was some good talent.  I talked with this one guy, Frère Dragan, from Romania, for a while, because he has an amazing beard and pony tail.  Touched his heart, I think he's less active, but I saw him at church the next day, so that was neat.  Then we helped the Tahitians clean up after the party and then they invited us over Christmas Eve.  Neat.

Dimanche dimanche dimanche, went out, did a lot of finding, some good ol' Area Book work.  We did a lot in the Area Book this week, becuase something President Roney said is "There is at least one baptism in each area book" so.  Someone we've contacted or will contact will be baptized and whatnot.  Neat.

Then today.  We went to a museum today for free, and there was a lot of nudity it was kind of hilarious.  But there were some fun paintings, too, like rabbits eating a lion, little nude Cupid flying around, lots of Jesus pictures, too, and some crazy Catholic saints n stuff and people being shot by arrows.  Pretty greusome, a lot of it.  Enjoyable, all the same.  And for tonight, we have a planned RDV with a guy we called out of the Area Book, which should be cool.  Cool.

I've got a nice testimony of hard work.  About how when we focus, work, contact, all that, we find miracles.  We find people to teach, we enjoy talking to all of God's Children.  And the secret to hard work is just remembering that everyone is a Child of God, He wants them back, and you need to love them just as much as He does.  Then contacting isn't scary, but rather fun, and successful.  That's the secret.

Love you all and and and JOYEUX NOEL.  Bonnes fêtes.

I love Christmas and all it stands for and I love you.

Elder Liechty

PS. Oh, also, it was Primary Program dimanche, so that was fun.  Other than the soirée de Noël, they didn't do anything special.

The temps are really mild, but sometimes really cold, too.  Today was a nice forty or fifty even, maybe, but sometimes it drops colder, especially at night and in the morning.  It's kinda like San Francisco.  


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