Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week #9 - Gex

Hey so...
So no email from you this week, ya still alive?  Hmmm ( I wrote to him of course! It was sent back to me yesterday afternoon...poor Max thinks we're partying and forgetting about him:( Which ihe would have seen we're TOTALLY not because I sent him the picture Kent put up on FB of the kids watching tv with Max's "head" with them!)

Well anyway if the case is you are still alive and listening, let me tell you what went down this last week.

Mardi, after I emailed you, we got a huge lunch from one of the sisters in the ward who heard that we don't have an oven yet.  She said she does this because she has a missionary out right now and she hopes the ward members there treat him the same as they do us.  So I hope you're treating the missionaries (when you see them if ever) as well as we're getting treated out here.  Missionaries rule.  Then we had a lesson with this girl from Cuba we met on Sunday night, that went pretty well.  Then we took our P-day and just kicked it at the church, played some weird soccer kinda game, the works.  Then we had dinner at chez-Yezli, the famille who are all membres except the father.

Mercredi was an exchange with the Zone Leaders, but it was CRAY.  Elders Beyer and Crawley went with Elder Kaiha, and Elder Holding and I went with Elder Hapairai-Hansen.  We mixed it all up like it was nobody's business.  Something I learned from this day: always be positive, no matter the plans for the day.  I was stoked for the plans Elder Beyer and I had made, but then this happened and I had to take Elder Holding's plans for the day, which I was not at all excited for.  So I started out a little grumpy, but then I saw Elder Happy's (Hapairai-Hansen) attitude and faith and awesomeness that I wanted it for my self so I tried.  And the day was really fun and we saw a lot of cool little miracles and success.

Jeudi we walked a lot.  We had plans for a RdV, but it fell through, and now we didn't have the car, and we were far away, and the other équipe had the car, so we walked.  And while we were walking the other elders passed us in the car and honked and waved and laughed but didn't drive us.  But it was a fun walk, and my thighs are now toned.  Then we had a quick little lesson with a less-active membre who loves to smoke and won't come to church no matter how much we ask her.  BUT.  She came to the primary program last Sunday, but she came late and left quick.  But she knew all that happened during the primary program, so either we have a spy that tells her what goes on during sacrament meeting or she actually came.  I imagine she actually came.  Which is cool.  Then we had a RdV with Anne-Charlotte.  And it was super neat.  We hadn't met with her for a while, and when we came she was really happy to see us, and was a lot more interested and earnest during the leçon.  Really neat.

Vendredi we awaited the oven.  And it came!  But the couldn't plug it in for some reason, so now we have an oven sitting in the middle of our apartment.  We are using it like a table for now.  We did lots of port à port this day, and a lot of our plans fell through.  BUT.  One was a blessing in disguise.  Tiago, from Brésil, called us saying he can't meet with us tonight because his cousin just passed away.  Ooooooh wow man that stinks.  So he was with his family that night.  More on that later.

Samedi we had another leçon avec Anne-Charlotte in the morning, that went super super well.  We talked about the law of tithing, and her membre husband was there to help.  And we made banana bread at her house while we taught.  We asked her at the end if once she becomes a membre will she keep the law of tithing and fasting?  And she said yes, which means.  She will become a membre one of these days, and she will be a great membre.  Then we had a lunch meeting with la famille Ramos.  Yummy.  Then we went to Genève for conférence de Pieu.  It was super neat, and we sang at it with the ward choir.  It was cool, there was a guy from the 70 there, very British, and he got us all pumped up for members working with missionnaires.  And he showed this cool analogy of boats to people.  The barge that literally cannot do anything unless someone tugs him along, the sail boat that only does anything in good weather, and the rescue boat.  I like the rescue boat.  Unsinkable, two powerful motors, all the shipmates are volunteers, and goes out in any kind of weather to help anyone.  Honestly the coolest boat there is around.  We should all be rescue boats.

Dimanche was all up in stake conference again.  This time in a hotel because there's lotso people.  And also something about the night before.  We were hanging around after talking to membres and setting up appointments and talking with amis n stuff, when this lady comes up to me calling me by Elder Liechty.  But I didn't know her.  But this is what happened.  They needed someone to sing with them for the next day.  And she had asked Elder Crawley if he knew someone that could sing tenor in a choir, and he pointed to me for some reason saying Elder Liechty can sing.  And then as it turns out it wasn't a choir but actually a quartet.  And surprise surprise surprise the two other ladies in this quartet are literally millionaire Broadway singers.  They performed on Broadway for real.  And I sang with them, and it was neat, but surprising and scary because I don't sing.  But that was that.  Then we had the surprise RdV with Tiago, who we were just planning on passing and seeing how he was.  And we talked about the Plan of Salvation (DUH) and asked them about baptism.  They'll be baptized.  The wife says every night in her prayers that she is sorry for not being baptized yet.  Now it's a matter of helping them realize that this is the true church.  Then we ate dinner at chez-Thiesset.  Awesome famille, great food.

Now it's today.  Spiritual thought time.  The scripture we've been sharing with membres this week for spiritual thoughts has been 3 Néphi 9:14 or maybe 7:14.  But anyway, it talks about how Christ waits for us with his arms extended.  He wants us to come to him.  We shouldn't be keeping the commandments out of fear, but rather out of love, always keeping that beautiful image in our minds of Christ waiting for us to come to him.  Neat.

I mailed my glasses this week, so they should come soon.

Our mystery meat that we will be eating this week is Canned Octopus, Spanish flavored.  I'm scared.

Love you all, thank you so much for your good lives,
Elder Liechty

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