Monday, November 4, 2013

Week #7 - Gex

The whole gang from the MTC who made it to Lyon and didn't get trapped in Paris or Montreal or somewhere.

Elder Eady et moi

A very French man in Lyon

Momma momma,
The address.  I will go ask Frère Aubin right now.

 Okay got it:

Elder Liechty
Bâtiment 17 Les Chanterelles
514 Rue des Vertes Campagnes
01170 Gex

Cool.  And totes, if you want to send stuff for all of us they would love you almost as much as I already do.  And no, no one in the apartement really gets any mail, so ha.  No.  He doesn't get more than me, as far as I can tell.

It's been raining BOAT LOADS here.  But no, I haven't worn the galoshes yet, because it always rains in the morning, and then stops when we're about to go out, but then starts up again while we're out.  So I never wear my galoshes in the hopes that it won't rain again.  But I always have my umbrella.

We drive to centre ville of the towns we plan on hitting that day, and park the car, and then walk everywhere the rest of the day.  But recently we've been spending a lot of time here in Gex because we have a limit on miles every month, and we can just walk everywhere in Gex now that we live here.  The farthest I've walked yet I'd have to say is from Gex to Cessy.  We walk a lot within the villes, but the longest straight distance was Gex to Cessy.  We're gonna start trying to take some public transportation because we can probably find some people on the buses and it would save gas.  But the buses here are kind of weird, and there's not a lot of stops.  So we'll figure it out one of these days and then use it.

This year for Christmas I Skype my family!  I really can't think of specifics...Maybe if you find some sweet ties or socks at Burlington...Some MoTab CDs would be cool, not juste church music, but any MoTab.  And that's all I can really think of that I will be able to use in the next few years.  Maybe a fancy European shirt or I can juste find one of those here I guess

Max asked me not to share his answers to a question I asked him, but I wanted to at least put part of his answer in this blog:
..... all this really comes down to is humbling ourselves and serving each other and better expressing all feelings, especially gratitude for each other.  .....but there was a nice little rough patch in there like there's always gotta be.

Now for the week!

Lundi was P-day, and we hung out with Nassib.  We played ping-pong in the chapel with him, and it was pretty good fun.  I'm gonna miss Nassib when he goes back to Lyon.  Then that evening we went port à port in Ferney Voltaire, where we actually found a neat lady on the street named Gracie who is good friends with someone in our paroisse named Soeur Thia, and she's been invited to church before, came to conference de pieu one time, and we talked to Soeur Thia about inviting her again, so hopefully we see that go somewhere.

Mardi we did lots and lots of porting during the day in Gex, finishing up some areas we had started before, then had a RdV avec Nassib that eveing, trying to get as much of him in before he leaves for Lyon.  This was a hilarious day, because we found out that his name is spelled Nassib, and not Nasib.  Which might not seem like a huge difference in English, but in French it's the difference between Nah-ss-eeb and Nah-z-eeb, which is like when people call me Matt instead of Max.  Not a huge deal, but kinda awkward after calling him Nasib for three weeks.  But we had a super neat lesson with him, watched the Rétablissement video, explained some things real quick, and it was actually really neat.  Then that evening we had a MgV with la famille Welsh, whose son Jeoffrey is inactive.  It's a long story, but essentially her original husband refused to let the youngest son be baptized and influenced the older son to go inactive, but then they divorced and the youngest son is now baptized and he's literally awesome.  They're a great famille, and we're praying for their son.

Mercredi we went and did more business in Gex, followed by a RdV with Nassib again, and it was really cool because we got a surprise/miracle member present.  We were starting the leçon and explaining a little more about the Rétablissement, and then we hear Eminem being blasted over the speakers in the chapel.  Then we turn and look and there's Pierre-Jean, setting up some things for a surprise birthday party.  And then he came in and helped us with the leçon.  Then after the leçon we had a little English class, where another lady came, and we taught her and Nassib for a little before we had to go to a RdV with the Attobras.  That was neat, because we got to have as a member present the old President's Assistant from the Paris mission.  And he invited us to have a kneeling prayer at the end, which we are going to do from here on out because that's a totally different feeling that.

Jeudi we had some service for Frère Jardon, super cool, another leçon with Nassib, and then a RdV with the bishop about an idea we had for Noël.  Nassib's leçon was cool again, had a kneeling prayer with him at the end.  And on our way to chez-bishop I cut my finger, so when we got there, his wife cleaned it up all nice and put a bandaid on it, and it reminded me of my own mommy when I was little and couldn't put my own bandaids on.  And then at church on dimanche somehow everyone knew about it and asked me about my finger.  Then we had a quick RdV with Anne-Charlotte because we were actually headed that night over to Genève because we had a conference in Lyon and that's where the train is.  So sleep over in Genève.

Vendredi was the conference for all the new missionaries, so I got to see all my old friends from the MTC who came to Lyon.  Super fun.  Took a train there, only my second time on a train since the start of the mission.  Actually no, I took a train in Lausanne once.  Okay.  Then we went home, and this was the night of the surprise party for Gregoire Plug I mentioned earlier, and we came in real late, said hey to Greg and the rest of the paroisse tearing up the dance floor in the chapel.  He was so excited to see us.  He is literally our friend.  And just recently he got set apart as missionnaire de paroisse, so that's neat.

Samedi we did some service helping a lady move, same lady as last week.  Then we passed a bunch of our amis and gave them treats to show that we care, passed some people in Ferney, and that was the day.

Dimanche was neat because we planned to be in Thoiry that evening, not sure why exactly, not a whole lot to do there, but then we got notice that there was a meeting for missionnaires, missionnaires de paroisse and the DMP, in Thoiry, so that's where we went.  Pretty neat, that.  Did a little bit of porting before that.  Little bit after.  Just the usual.  But I honestly love all the JAs in our paroisse, and all the missionnaires de paroisse, and juste the whole paroisse.  Gex rocks.

Fun little miracle from Samedi: we were sitting in traffic forever, getting a little frustrated that we wouldn't have a whole lot of time for contacting because we still had to cook the treats.  But then I reminded myself everything happens for a reason, so that cooled me off a little.  And then we went to pass people, firstly the famille Attobra.  And we went, they weren't there, tried the door again, really not there, and when we were about to leave we heard their super loud old car driving in, so we talked to them for a little.  Had we gotten there any earlier, we would have stopped trying and missed them.  Woulda been a bummer.  So, souvenez-vous, everything happens for a reason, whatever that reason may be, and God has a plan for us.  Amen.

Love you all, and I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me.  Thank you so much
Elder Liechty

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