Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week #8 - Gex

Ha, probably scared you because I'm sending this email a day late!  Ha, man, Halloween's long past.  But just so you know, we didn't send emails yesterday because we had zone conference, and we're taking P-day today instead.
We can listen only to MoTab and things 100+ years old, and anything on this CD that is in all of our apartments.
My next transfer is the 9ème of décembre.  This transfer is going by so much faster than the last I can't stand it.  I really can't believe I've been out already that long!
I really love personal study in the morning, but I also love it when we practice teaching with membres sometimes or have RdVs.  And I'm starting to enjoy port à port as I start to learn how to speak French
Most amazing experience we've had yet...difficult...At the end of this last week, after working really hard and not finding a whole lot of people, we tried passing some anciens amis who we hadn't passed yet for some reason, found them home, they were super cool, and we have a RdV with them today, in fact!  I think in all, the most amazing experience had yet is looking at my planner for this week, and seeing all the RdV s we have set up after last weeks work.  Pretty cool.
We don't have an oven yet, but we should be getting it soon, fingers still crossed
We don't have an oven, but we do have a washer and dryer in our apartement, so that's where we wash our clothes, à chez-nous.  Pretty handy.
Life at home sounds like it rocks, and I'm happy my card got home in time, I did what I could to send it with the perfect amount of time to get in Zachy's hands on his birthday.  Rock on.  I can't believe Davis is leaving so soon!  Every time we do emails, there's this huge world map on the wall, or, map of Europe, and I always look at Norway and think "man, I got a friend going there real soon, what is even in that country?  Man that's cool."
So this week was called M-week.  M didn't really stand for anything, you could put anything you wanted, so we had some ideas:
Miracle, Missionnaire, Monster, Mullet, Milky, and so on.  But what we did was work really hard, and we had a certain goal each day, for the whole mission, and every missionnaire had the same goals every day.  It was cool.  It went like this:
Lundi was P-day, so we started off pretty chill.  We went to a super ghetto thrift shop called NOZ, and bought some really cool ties for 2,50 euros each.  That was a good time, and then it started to rain really hard, and I think that's all we really did that day for P-day.  But the goal for between 6 and 9 that day was to have 10 conversations, not just contacts, but real convos with people.  And we had a MgV avec la famille Pascaud that evening at 7, so we only had really une heure.  Crazy.  But we did it.  We parked farther away from his house, and walked from 6 to 7 talking to everyone and trying what we could to have a conversation with them all.  And we got 10, pretty cool.  And we found one lady who could be interested, we'll be going to her house soon.  Then at chez-Pascaud we taught their son the Plan du Salut and ate waffles.
Mardi was Livre de Mormon testifying day.  We had to testify to each person we met about the LdM and give out FIVE.  So we went throughout knocking doors contacting people, and gave out two LdMs in French, and promised two more in different languages.  So not quite five, but that's definitely more than we ever have given out in a day here before, so it was neat.  Then we had a MgV with a super cool famille whose last name I don't know but the husband's name is Florian and the wife is one of the bishop's daughters.
Mercredi was Jour d'Amour, or love day.  Where we went around being really nice and loving people, and tried to get someone to comment on how happy we were.  So I smiled all day and my face hurt afterwards, but it was good fun.  Then we had a cool RdV with the Attobras with Frère Pascaud, whose testimony the Attobras really love, and we reéngaged Jeannine for baptism on the 30 novembre.  So if you could help us pray for that date, that would be awesome.
Jeudi was rétablissement testifying day, where we testified of the rétablissement de l'Eglise de Jésus-Christ par l'intermediare de Joseph Smith.  And we also tried to give out 15 rétab pamphlets.  We spent the day in Collonges which is the southernmost part of the Pays de Gex, so really far away, but we had a MgV that soir avec la famille Langer, the husband of said famille served his mission in Ogden and the wife of which is another daughter of the bishop.  And also we had zone training that morning, during which we took a little break to do some contacting (in Suisse, mind you) and we found this guy who had been looking for the missionnaires.  That was neat.  This old guy super interested and we handed him over to the Lausanne Zone Leaders.  But anyway, that soir in Collonges, we found some neat people, but also some terrible people that make us glad that we have a purpose in life and don't just hang around smoking pot and shouting profanity.  It made me happier than ever to know that I was doing something productive.
Vendredi was MONSTER DAY.  We left the apartement earlier than normal and weren't allowed to return jusqu'au 21h30, and worked all day.  We basically just ran through every town knocking, contacting, searching, and the goal for this day was to find our next engagée for baptism.  So we searched hard.  We didn't really find anyone all day, and then in the evening we had Conseil de Paroisse, which we ran in to, did what we had to, and ran out, and kept working.  And then it started to rain and wind and storm like CRAZY.  But we worked.  We ported some areas in the dark, rainy, cold cold cold, and found this really really amazing man who invited us back.  He's our next engagée.  Gonna baptize him.  And also my umbrella broke.  Not my Bass one we bought, but this old dusty one I found in our apartement that I had been using because I may have lost my other one...ha...but now I don't have any umbrella cuz it was DESTROYED it was so windy.  Very good fun that.
Samedi was famille finding day, where we went to all this famille areas and knocked, searching for the coolest famille.  Found some cool ones, and also found this area up north in Divonne that looks exactly like this certain street in SLC, which threw us off because that is very much not French.  Not French at all.  So anyway, that was the journée, but then that soir we had a RdV avec soeur Thia and her friend Gracie and her famille, from Tanzania.  New amis there.  We taught them the other day again, and they're gonna come to Stake conference this Saturday!  Oui!
Then dimanche was...The primary program!  It was so touching to see this adorable French children singing the songs of my childhood in FRENCH, and then one of the familles that speak English, their kids sang part of one song in English, and it reminded me of when we sang Love One Another in Germany in German, English, and Sign Language.  Good, good times.  Then it was ward lunch afterwards and we hung with the ward.  And then we went out to finish M-Week strong by seeing each person as God would see them, so ready for baptism, and just loving everyone.  And this day we found some anciens amis that I was talking about earlier who are very cool and we will be going to their house today for a RdV.  It was also very cold this night.  It's getting COLD.
Then yestardy, and second lundi, was Zone Conference which was super neat as always.  Then we had a RdV with Gracie and her famille, and then soirée familial avec la famille Plug, to whom I practiced some German I remembered and some German I learned from a new German elder in our zone.  Good day.
And now we're here.  So that was an amazing week, and I found my self happier at the end of the week after working my buns off each day than I had been at the end of any other week so far.  Seeing these results was so amazing, and I have a firm testimony of missionary work and how the harder you work, the happier you are.  It's not about how easy or fun it is, but seeing these results from all the work, and seeing people's lives changed.  And then it's fun, because it is.  I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK.  Love it.  Love France.  Love the french people.  Stoked for the weeks to come.
Love you, thank you so much for everything you've done for me,
Elder "Love" Liechty "Love"

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