Monday, July 21, 2014

Week #45 - Muret

Max and Elder Olsen - NOT his companion - in Toulouse


First of all, something very silly, look at your second to last paragraph, and you will see that you called Sam "Max" :)  But I got the point, and it's still super cool

Muret is awesome.  Elder Garside is an amazingly hard worker.  We're getting  along like a couple of bros.  I really like Muret, for real.

I got the postcard!  And I found Waldo, and Wanda, and also the Waldo kid, and also the donkeys, but I couldn't find the three dogs yet.  Found one, but I'm still working on that.  Never been to good at Where's Waldo.

Still loving the ward.  A lot.

And our ami's name is Sylvie, and I've got some good news for that!  Just you wait

Our biggest goal is to talk to everybody, no matter how scary they look.  Because the gospel is for everyone.  And we should see people how they might become, not how they are.  And sometimes the scariest looking people are in the most need, and also sometimes they're the nicest people.  Yes.

"Hey it's summer and Max and Zach and Caity are all gone, so lets have a lot of really good fun and leave Sam at home sometimes, too"
-Mom and Dad (I finally told him Kent and I are off to Alaska next week)

I hope you keep having this much fun when I get home and you invite me, and stuff.

Does Sam look like a fox in his suit?  PICTURES MOM PICTURES geez


So lundi was all up in the fireworks.  We went and had dinner with a member famille, and then they took us to the fireworks that night.  We learned that it was to be Claude Nougaro themed, meaning there would be music, so we asked the zone leaders if it was okay, and they said yes, but don't enjoy it too much.  So I didn't enjoy very much (I actually kind of did, though.)

The next day we were able to see a famille that is the brother and sister in law of a member in Toulouse, the Ducrocqs.  The couple we visited, Jean-Marc and Sevrine, are super cool.  The husband is a pastry maker, and so we made some awesome crepes with him.  They we talked a little about why we are here on missions and what we do, and they were cool with it.  We want to speed it up a little and get talking gospel, and so do the Ducrocqs, but we won't be able to see them until August, because they are going on vacation.  So.  It was cool anyway.

Mercredi we were able to see Sylvie, and, well, she came telling us she had chosen her date for baptism, 27 of septembre, so, that's really neat.  Now we kind of want to start handing her over to members for famille home evenings, because she has already been taught everything.  Well anyway, that's neat.  I honestly can't say I did much to progress her towards baptism, because that was all in the Lord's hands.

Jeudi was a good time, as well.  We were able to see Frère Déjean, a less active member, and his roomate, Jean-Claude.  This time JC stayed the whole time, and we got to talk to him, too.  We're gonna try to keep focusing the lesson of both of them, so we can help the less active, as well as teach an ami.  Cool!  After that we stopped by a less active famille's home, don't know the famille name, but the mother's name is Murielle.  They were all there, we talked about perseverence, and they were all cool about it.  They want to invite us again to eat with them.  I'm down.  They we had ward council that evening, talked about the ward mission plan, and about how to unit the ward more.  Business as usual

Vendredi was cool.  We had planned to head out to Toulouse a little earlier in the evening and work with them so that we could stay the night because we needed to be there the next morning, but we were too late to catch that train.  But then we got a call from Malika saying she could see us.  So we planned to have a quick lesson with her and then catch a later train and make it to Toulouse to sleep.  But then she was running late, so we were like, well, let's just go tomorrow morning I guess.  And then we had an awesome lesson with Malika and her future husband (she's the recent convert in Muret).  That was a neat little miracle.

Samedi was miracle day.  We had an amazing zone training in the morning, then we went on exchange.  We played some b-ball for samedi sportif, went home, showered, and went out to do some street-boarding. I haven't done that in FOREVER.  But it was amazing.  We contacted some awesome peeps.  Elder Olsen and I contacted this group of black guys because one of them was wearing an america hat, and another wearing a yankees jersey, and so we started talking sports n stuff (me? talking sports?), and made friends.  We told them we play every saturday, and that they are more than welcome to come.  They should be coming!  And before we had contacted them, the sisters had contacted them, and set up a RDV to teach them, and they said they were thinking about not coming, but now they were pretty sure they were gonna come.  So that was really neat.  Then, as we were coming home, we were running late, and elder Olsen and I didn't want to ruin such a day by being late, so we decided to find a lesson to teach so that we could come in later (because we can come in later if it's because of a RDV).  So we were talking to people all the way home, but no lessons.  They we passed in front of a hospital, and right before that we were saying "I don't know about you, but I'm not a huge fan of contacting in front of hospitals, so maybe this is a sign that Heavenly Father is telling us that it doesn't matter that we're going to be late, because we were working hard."  And then this group of people in front of the hospital asked us if we spoke english, we said yes, joked around a little, but then we got talking about God and stuff, and it was really neat.  Then we asked them if we could pray together, and they started this weird kind of thanksgiving prayer circle thing, but then after they did that, we asked if we could pray for everyone, and that was neat.  They were touched, and we got a lesson, so we made it home on time :)  That's a miracle

Then roles around dimanche, good ol church.  Awesome as ever.  One famille had a young boy from Nice staying at their place, and I singled him out and went in for the kill and talked to him, found out he's not a member, but he's a super cool kiddo, and he wants to know the addresse of the Nice church for when he goes back.  Alright.  Yes.  Cool.  Made a friend and potential convert.  all because I followed a tiny thought that said "talk to that kid about Nice, maybe."  If it's a good thought that doesn't go against any gospel teachings, count it as a prompting, act on it, and bam.  Miracles.  Whoa.

Today so far we sat in the prefecture waiting to fix a RDV for our carte de sejours.  We waited for an hour, went out to the park to take a little walk (it was Elder Olsen and I because we both need the carte, so we did another little exchange), and came back and fixed our RDV for, like, two months from now.  So.  We'll see how that goes.

The mission is really cool.  It's going by too fast.  It would be good if it slowed down a little and let me do something and not just fly by with no time to do nuthin.  But I'll do what I can with what I have and in the time frame given.  We'll see how that goes.


Elder Max Liechty

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