Monday, July 7, 2014

Week #43 - Muret

The beach!

Church time

Charles Trenet picture in Narbonne

Daddio, (Max's letter to Kent..I included it because he talks a bit more about a few things than in his letter to me)
I'm still stunned at how you find out so fast.  Wut wut. (we found out last week that he was going to be transferred)
But yeah, I'm in MURET!  Another dinky ol town, but I'm really excited to be here, actually.  I've come to love small towns.  I really came to love Narbonne.  I'm gonna miss her.  Good ol Narby.
I was probably more sad to leave them (Meme and Pepe) , but they were pretty sad, too.  It was cool, we got one little last RDV in with them, got to leave them letting them know I love them.  We had a good time with them, and I'm gonna mis them.  I'll probably come back to France and crash at their place.
The new comp is from Alberta Canada, his name is Elder Garside, this is his third transfer, so I'm suddenly senior comp.  And also district leader.  Where in the world did that come from?  too much responsibility, we'll see what I do with it!  He's a real neat guy, I'm excited to serve with him.
I had a really cool dream last week.  It was pretty long, so I might have to write it in a letter to you later, but it really opened my eyes.  It showed me a little bit where my spiritual progression is, but also showed me still how sometimes I'm a little to prideful.  Very cool dream, woke up totally inspired.
I'm gonna mis working with the people in Narbonne, and feeling the love I felt in their homes, but I'm just as excited to teach the people in Muret the same things I was teaching those cool guys.  Christ's love.  God's love.  LOVE.
I love you daddy, I hope you have a numero uno week,
Elder Liechty

And then I realized I had sent his email to the wrong person (sent it to Kent!) and so I was asking him questions left and right while I had him online...

Whoa, hold on mom, I'm still on for a little!  Bridle your steeds, will ya? :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAST WEEK.  I wished you German style, because it's bad luck to wish it before.  Did you get my card?  Did you like it?
For lunch on your birthday, I found out how to fry shrimp, like make popcorn shrimp, and they were super tasty delicious.
65 Av Jacques Douzans
Muret 31600

And here's his letter before he actually received mine...

Hey, so I'm in MURET.
I got transferred.
I had to leave Narbonne, my sweet.  It hurt, but it's for the best.  The Lord wants me in Muret, so I gotta go.
A thing about Muret:  Muret is to Toulouse as Narbonne is to Béziers, that meaning, I'm in another ville where I go to a different sector to go to church.  Who ho.  Cool.  Yes.  Nice.  Cool.
This week was really neat, but again, I forgot my planner, so we'll have to play it by memory here and try to remember what we did.
We were able to see the Tongan famille (I thought they were Fijian, but he is Tongan) on lundi and had a nice little FHE with them.  We talked about famille prayer, got to meet all of them, and then Saia, the dad, took us out to McDonald's afterward and bought us, like, a million sandwiches.  Ha.  Yeah.  Good ol islanders.
The next day we went up to Lezignan to see the grandparents one last time before I was out, BECAUSE: we got transfer calls on mardi this week instead of the normal vendredi.  So nutso.  So anyway, it was a touching little RDV where we said good bye, Pépé shook my hand and grabbed my shoulder like a proud grandfather, and I was touched.  Literally, his hand on my shoulder, and also in my heart.  Then we were stuck in Lezignan, because we had checked the wrong train time back, and we had to wait another 3 hours.  So.  We knocked some doors, like we do.  We knocked some doors, and I felt like we needed to save this area for the service searching, so we headed for another area.  This next part is neat.  We were knocking on this house a little outside that other area, and the guy that answered said that he knew that the people in that other area were looking for some service.  So.  I had the light spiritual confirmation, followed by the temporal confirmation of this man.  That was really neat.
The next day...I think we were able to see Saia and his famille again.  Yes.  It was that day.  We had another FHE with them, and had lots of fun, so now they are more comfortable with the missionaries.  Super cool famille.  After passing the time with them, we went to the famille Coulon's home, where we had a tasty dinner of some saucy thing on rice.  And we were able to squeeze a couple referrals out of them!  Not really, we just talked a little about there friends, he told us that he had this new friend he made that would help him with his bags when he went grocery shopping, and he wanted to give him a BoM.  So then we asked for his name and said we'd pray for him.  After that, we had a really good spiritual thought, and they mentioned a lady that had been taught by the missionnaires a long time ago, and they said we should go check up on her again.  Neat.
Then jeudi we had district meeting in the morning and...I'll come back to that.  Maybe that will return.  I got it now.  We got to see Isabelle that day.  I texted her saying that I was leaving and that it would be cool to see her again, and she said yeah, that evening, and she had apricots for us.  So.  No problems there.  We had a really good RDV where we talked about hope in a better world, Ether 12:4.  Spirit was there, she's one of the people I'll miss from Narbonne.
Vendredi we were able to see David one last time, same situation as Isabelle.  We saw him outside the library, talked about his life, some about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and hopefully gave him more hope.  That evening, afterwards, we had branch council, that went really well, we talked about the plan missionnaire de branche.  That went really well.
Samedi was neat, we played volleyball at the beach for the samedi sportif.  It was such a good time, awesome weather, our dear Carlitos coming back to church, yes.  then that evening we went to the Fructuosos, had a good old time with them, talked about his friends that he wants to do missionary work with.  He's been pretty afraid to fix specifics, but this time he actually called one of them in front of us!  She was busy for the next while and would be in Lyon, but she seemed cool, and was totally down with meeting the missionaries.
Dimanche was a very good time.  church was great, Carlitos was there again, as well as the Laplante's ami, that young woman named Victoria.  So cool to see the work in Béziers progressing like that.  Then I went home, packed some, came back to Béziers to see the Laplante's ami famille and play some soccer with them and eat treats.  Very good time.  Very good famille.
And now I'm in Toulouse, doing emails, gonna sleep in Muret tonight.  Wooooo!
The challenge you lanced me: Daily miracles: Go:
Lundi- able to fix a RDV with the Fekitoas, and had an amazing RDV with them, SPARKd them up real good
Mardi- the spiritual confirmation followed by temporal confirmation of that spiritual confirmation while we were trapped in Lezignan.  We were a little upset at first, but then we decided there was a reason we were still there, so let's go find that reason.  Found it.
Mercredi- were able to get some missionary work out of the members in Narbonne, even though they are very, very old people :)
Jeudi- able to see Isabelle again and hopefully instill some hope in her
Vendredi- able to see David, see that he still really likes the missionnaires, and also had a good branche council where everyone there worked together and didn't argue
Samedi- that Frère Fructusos tried to fix some specifics with his friend after us trying for a long time to get him to do it
Dimanche- Carlitos at church, Victoria at church, finished packing before it was time to go to bed :)
This was a very cool week, and I think I owe that to the fact that you invited me to search for those miracles, and recognize them.  Because I did, no matter how small some of them were, it's obvious that God's hand played the bigger role in them.  COOL.
Mom, I love you, i miss Narbonne, and I miss you,
but I still love you, I still love Narbonne, and I'm starting to love Muret.
Elder Max Liechty

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