Monday, October 21, 2013

Week #5 - Crozet

Momma momma momma,

For my glasses, the plastic part basically just slipped off, but I think the metal actually snapped, so I'll send 'em home to you to get all fixed up.  And Elder Beyer bought himself a coat at H&M, so it was all good for everyone

The guy came to the apartment with the package, but we were out at the time helping someone move, so he left a slip, and my package is at the post office in Chevry, so we'll be going and getting that sometime soon today.  I'm super STOKED

My Franch is coming.  I'm really starting to understand most of the things people say, and also respond to them.  It's far from perfect and, honestly, far from functional.  But it's coming.

We don't do a whole lot of cooking just because we get so much dinner from the membres, but normally we cook ourselves lunch and if we don't have a mangez-vous, we'll cook dinner, and that's about it.  It's normally noodles, rice, meat, or some relative of the three.  Every week we try to buy a mystery meat and eat it, and this week we bought kidneys, and it was gross.

The Pelucchi famille we see them pretty often, but not a boat load.  We get to pray with them in prière familial every Sunday night at 9h, and we often mange with them, but other than that we're pretty separated.

For P-day we went hiking again, but more like just walking up a paved road to this sweet view that Elder Beyer and I found a few days earlier while going port à port, and then it started to rain, and we didn't have umbrellas, and we got soaked, and we ate Kébabs.  now okay.  Kébabs.  I'll explain in a minute.  And then after we went home and watched Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration, my favorite movie now.  And also we bought 38 Euros worth of pastries because some English lady from the Genève ward forced money on us, so we bought pastries.

We have a few investigators, the famille Attobra and Anne-Charlotte, and actually this last week we found two more investigators, Nasib and Tiago (and maybe Tiago's wife).  but we teach the two first amis about once a week, trying to get more often, and we're hoping the Attobras get up and baptized real soon.

I haven't gotten a chance out here to watch to Mormon Ads, but I watched them all the time in the MTC, and love them

Lundi we had a RdV with Anne-Charlotte, and it was really cool because her husband (a member) was there.  For some reason, the Soeur Missionnaires set it up so they taught Anne on the days when her husband was gone.  but It's really awesome when he's there, and he's super helpful.  Then after the RdV, we had a Mangez-vous with the Aubin famille, and it was fantastic.  For dessert we had these things that are just good.  It goes like this: bread, nutella, bananas, marshmallows, bread.  and  you butter the bread on the outside, stick the sandwich in a Foreman Grill kind of thing, melt it up, and MANGE.  It was delicious.  You should do it for FHE sometime.

Mardi we did some quick service for Soeur Jacquier, an older lady in our ward with a lot of kids, some of which still live here in our ward.  then we stayed up there in Divonne, and did some contacting.  And it turns out Divonne is awesome for contacting.  there's loads of people on the street for some reason, at the time of day when normally we can't even find anyone at their homes.  so that was real fun.  then, one of our last contacts was this man named Nasib.  He's learning English, and we offered to help him with his English if he would listen to our message.  We set up a RdV at the church for Vendredi.  More on him later.  After Divonne we had dîner with the famille Fontanella, the very Italian one, and that was delicious.  Homemade pizza.  And then we practiced teaching the Restoration to them, and that was real good fun.  Soeur Fontanella said it reminded her of when she was investigating the church when she was younger, and it brought back good feelings, so that was also nice.

Mercredi we went contacting in Gex, but I don't really remember what we did.  I just wrote as a reminder to write "cool contacting in Gex." so......but then that evening we had a surprise dîner with the Pelucchis.  We were going to just come and teach em a quick leçon, but then the fed us, so cool.  and Soeur Pelucchi told me about the fun convo you had over email when she emailed you about my debit card, so that's fun.  And then she sent you a picture, I believe.  That was the day before I got a haircut, so if it looks like my hair is long, it's because it is and I needed a haircut.

Jeudi.  I cut my own hair.  ha yeah.  It's not bad at all, and Elder Crawley helped me out, and let me use his haircutting stuff.  Essentially, it's like a gentle Euro cut.  that is, short on the sides, longer on the top.  And it doesn't look half bad, if I do say so myself.  and then we had a District meeting in Lausanne, Suisse.  and on the way back we got a little lost, taking wrong turns n such, and saw some of the beautiful land of Suisse.  and there was a guy playing the accordion on the side of the road, very French.  that evening we had a RdV with the famille Attobra, and we made so much progress.  Edouard, who they have been teaching for almost TWENTY YEARS finally understands why the rétablissement was in America.  And he was so happy, and so touched, and enlightened, and we hope to get him that way every time.  That was really amazing.

Vendredi we bought another Kébab.  Now kébabs.  A little background: everyone who works in a kébab shop is Muslim.  And kébabs are amazing.  But the standard rule is don't buy a kébab less than 5 Euros, unless you want a wrecked stomach.  They're similar to gyros, and that's the closest thing I can think of that we have in the states.  they have kébabs all over Europe, but not the US, and I don't know why, because if they were in the US, the economy would boost super high because everyone would want to buy a kébab.  anyway, afterwards we had our RdV with Nasib.  And he's amazing.  We started out with just some chatting, then asked him if he wanted help with English first, but he said he wanted to hear our message first.  Sweet.  So we shared it with him, and he loved it.  He's really looking for someway to have peace and happiness in this stressful world, and wanted to know if our message could help him with it.  Oh, Nasib, how it can, how it can.  He was really touched by our message, and I can tell that his heart was really prepared by angels.  then we helped him with English.  At the start he was kinda sad looking, but by the end, we were laughing, joking, and we could see how much this simple message, and the peaceful environment of the church had changed him.  and we plan on continuing to teach him, and we asked him if he would want to be baptized, and he said "for a remission of my sins? of course" so.......that looks pretty good.  That evening we had a MgV with the famille Plug, whose mom is German, and learned French at BYU, and they're the best famille in our paroisse.  Really amazing.  And after dinner, and after a lesson, and after playing some guitar with Gregoire, we learned some French by playing French Taboo.  That was crazy fun.  And also raclette again.

Samedi we help some Americans from the Genève English ward move.  The Stewarts.  We weren't planning on taking long, but it ended up taking about four hours, maybe a little more....But it was awesome, and they have an awesome new house.  Super cool famille.  Then that evening we passed the famille Yezli, shared a little spiritual thought (the dad is not a membre, by the way) and it was pretty cool.  I shared Moroni 7:48, which I like a lot.  then that evening we passed Anne-Charlotte with some more banana biscuits, they were happy to see us, but mostly the biscuits because DANG those things are so good.  And this is also the day I recieved the thing in the mail saying I missed your package.  so I'll get that.

Dimanche was real cool because we found a second new ami!  And potentially a third, being his wife.  His name is Tiago, and the famille is from Brèsil, so they speak Portugese.  But Tiago speaks French.  So we would talk to him, and he would translate for his wife.  and we found out that the wife's sisters is a membre, served a mission, married an American, and lives in the states, and is still a membre.  and maybe also her father-in-law was a membre?  Something like that.  but that was really cool, and we got talking, talked a little about the Livre de Mormon, gave them one in Portugese, and left them with the Restoration movie to watch.  Should be good.  then that evening we had dîner with the famille Celi, whose oldest son is not a membre, and other son is inactive.  the nonmember son is really sweet, and the less active kid is kind of...less sweet, but still sweet.  Unfortunately, how it appears, is he is not active because he's following in big brother's footsteps, even though big brother is way cool.  We'll keep working with them.

Which brings us to today and some crazy news.  We're all moving out from under the Pelucchis today to an apartment close to the church.  So bye bye Pelucchis.  And bye bye P-day.  We'll be moving all day, and that's our plans.  And also I have a feeling that I don't have gluten intolerance, but rather lactose, just because of some events lately that make me think it's the cheese and not the bread...I'll keep testing probably.  And also I'll have a new adress, no idea what it will be, but it could also change in the next week because this is the end of our transfer.  I'll let you know with next email, but somehow you'll probably already know, because that's how mom's work.

Love you, 
Elder Max Liechty

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