Monday, October 14, 2013

Week #4 - Crozet

Momomomomomomo MOM

Quick French tip, "como" is spelled "comment" but pronounced "como" kind of.  And "como se pas" is real real close to "qu'est qui se passe?" which means, essentially "what's happening" so you were so CLOSE

But I was able to buy a suit, at H&M, and get this, you're gonna be proud of me.  I bought two pants, a jacket, and a scarf, for only 87 euros.  go ahead, be proud of me.  Two pants so one doesn't get ruined from wearing it all the time.  And I haven't bought my watch yet, but I guess I won't be for a little bit since my card is inactivated...and also something I forgot to tell you my glasses broke.  One of the stem things just broke off a couple weeks ago, and I'm gonna go get it fixed. But remember when I was smart enough to ask you to send me my other glasses?  Yeah, oh yeah, wearin' those now.  I'll get 'em fixed soon day.

The deal with Suisse: we can't live there.  That's the only rule.  I think we also can't sleep there...? but we can go there during the day, no prob.  And also, funny thing, President Roney, soon after they closed Suisse off to the Americans, still had Americans living and serving there for a couple transfers, cuz he does what he wants.  We could probably proselytize if we wanted, but we're only in Suisse for meetings and then hurry back to France to go about our day.

I haven't gotten to watch the last sess of GC yet
I got a suit, not a watch
The sisters were here just before us, but they haven't had Elders for a very long time, over a year I think, and the last elders may have been the Assistants...
My pants still fit
I haven't gotten the package yet, but I'm STOKED for it
I would love the guitar book of Zach's, so long as je reste en Gex for a little bit longer, with time enough to get it, or that one of my next areas has a guitar
Finally, what is Gravity and Captain Phillips?  What is that?  It sounds exciting, but what is it?
Actually finally, SAM GET'S TO DO MISSIONARY WORK! And you get to see the missionaries!  That is so crazy we never saw them.  I saw them one time at a friend's farewell, and that was a good year or so ago, and that's it.

Lundi we went SHOPPING.  Bought a suit, a scarf, I look fly.  then we found this really cool hike in Crozet, pretty close to where we live, and I have some sweet pictures, hopefully I can send them this time.  and we found a couple of cool guys smokin' doobies by the river.  This was on our hike.  It's was still fun.  And there's lots of frogs and slugs.  And also the reason I bought a scarf is because it's COLD.  It went from pretty dang warm to just really cold, no middle, and also there is snow on the mountains, and it rains a lot.  I love it.  I love the cold way more than the heat.  Cuz I can look fly with my scarf and sweater and all that.  And then later that evening we ate with some really cool members, and they too recognized the name Liechty as Suisse, and then this last Dimanche she passed by me at church and said she was in Suisse the other day, saw something about Liechty and thought of me, so that was cool

Mardi we passed by the famille Pascaud again, and got a referral she had been thinking of, but didn't get a chance to talk to her, cuz we were supposed to have a RdV, but turned into a Tombez-vous, not a big deal, rescheduled for Samedi, TOMBEZ-VOUS again.  But we should get with this guy, because he was being taught.  We should get with this guy again soon.  then that evening we had a Mangez-vous with some members, an Italian familly Fontanella, whose son served his mission in New York.  And the kids names are Luco, Fabio, Andrea, and Paulo.  so Italian.  and I learned some good Italian, tried out "porkamiseria" or however that goes, and they loved it.  and then the food was so good AGAIN

Mercredi was really cool, cuz we got to go contacting with a missionary who just returned for England not two months ago.  and before that we made contact with a less active named Aurora Martin, who loves to read the Livre de Mormon and the Doctrine et Alliances, but also loves to smoke.  We'll work with that.  and then also we had another Mangez-vous avec la famiille Constantino, the bishop, and the food was again, amazing.

Jeudi we had zone conference, and that was real cool.  Like really.  And for lunch we had these thinigs called "raclette" which is basically a machine on which you cook meat and melt cheese and put it on EVERYTHING.  Delicious, greasy, good.  Then after the wonderful zone conference in SUISSE, we went on exchange with the District Leaders, and that was pretty cool.  We were out contacting in the cold, decided to stop by a member and just say hey real quick.  Surprise lesson and hot chocolate. that was real nice.

Vendredi matin was still the exchange, and we went out contacting, found some sweet people on the rue, challenged some kids to basketball someday, and walked on a railroad track for a little bit.  then we went to St.  Genis and contacted some cool people, and we did something interesting that evening but I just can't remember...

Samedi we had a meeting witht he DMP, and then had some really cool contacts.  We talked with a very very less active named Cyril Ndang.  he's so less active I don't think he remembers that he was baptized.  but we retaught the rétablissement to him and his nonmember wife, and that was pretty cool.  then we wnet out did more contacting in the very very very much cold very wet rain.  but we have umbrellas so no big.  then we found this cool guy late at night, who let us in his batiment cuz he thought we were his wife and kids, but we ended up teaching him and his wife a little bit.  but then it got weird and he started talking about cavemen and how Adam and Eve came after the we kinda stopped and left.  but also earlier that day we found a really cool Asian guy who works at Cern (everyone we find works at Cern for some reason) and while we were talking, he was doing all these classic scientist things, like the hands on the hip, pointing his finger to sky while making a point, talking like a very Asian man.  But he really believed a lot about Jesus and the gospel, and we're gonna try to find him again and give him a Chinese BoM.  Lots of cool contacts this day.

Dimanche was church.  Surprise lunch with some members, la famille Sennaro, and he has a banjo.  A BANJO.  It's tiny, old, missing some strings, and from Spain or something because his dad used to play it.  and it was awesome. Pics to come.  Then we went contacting and then this crazy thing happened, that I'm wondering if I should actually share, and probably will, but in a little bit because it's really just....Crazy.  But after all that we had another eating appointment with another famille, Ausobsky or something like that, he's from Austria. That food was also very good.

And now it's today again, and we have plans to go hiking and find some snow, because one of those days listed above we were contacting in Gex, and decided to go to the top of this mountain, port à port all the way, and then ended up at this beautiful view.  And I was going to buy a watch, but that might have to wait again because the card deal...But that's okay.  Oh, and also, before our dinner with the Fontanellas on Mardi, we found this Welsh guy, who was cool, spoke some Welsh, and then it got awkward because he told us he was Pagan.  so we left him and ate with members instead.

Now the crazy story, included will be the spiritual thought.

Sunday, out porting, looking for some old amis.  Start going in this town called Versonex, trying to find Rue de l'Europe.  turns out Rue d l'Europe is the most ghetto status place in our whole sector.  Now here's where it gets crazy and I'm worried about telilng you because you might get scared for me, but don't worry, I'm safe.  So.  We walk into this plaza type place, surrounded by bâtiments, looking for the building with our ancien ami in it.  Then suddenly this African kid, probably 16 or 17 starts shouting at us.  I can't write all the things he said, granted they are in French, but essentially they meant "hey, go away you bad men" but in a little bit mor vulgar language maybe.  And then he started throwing coke at us, and then the coke can, and then this little French kid, 14 or 15, throws a bottle of soda at us, followed by a bunch of rocks.  and then the older kid picks up a wine bottle, empties the contents, and starts waving it at us telling us to "dégagez" which is the nicest thing he's said to us so far.  It means go away.  so we start backing up, scared for our lives, and say "ça va, ça va, on va partir, c'est pas de problème."  Then he shouts something about Témoin Jehovah.  Serious?  "On est PAS Témoin Jehovah"  Oh.  what are you?  Mormons.  Ok, come in, you're good.  And then we were suddenly bros because we are not TJs.  then these kids in the window start shouting stuff about TJs, we explain, then they're cool about it.  but then they invite us to smoke weed with them, and start talking we just walked away and left them with a "Soyez sage" or "be wise" or "don't be stupid" because those kids are not very smart.  gonna be found in jail one day.  Anyway, then we found our ancien ami, and she is super cool.

Essentially, the reason this is going to be a spiritual thought is this here.  Satan was there.  His presence was all around, and I felt physically sick and scared and I was so ready to leave.  So much evil just right there.  but we were kept safe.  We had the angels on our left and our right, and we had the Lord with us.  He kept us safe.  Nothing hit us when they were throwing junk at us, they essentially left us alone except for there outrageous language.  But Satan was there, trying to keep us from something.  Our ami.  When we got to her door and opened it, there was a different spirit, the lady was so nice, would love to have us back.  And Satan was really trying to keep us from that.  He threw a lot at us, which makes me hope a lot will come from this.  but most importantly, we had the angels, just as we have been promised we would have.  they bore us up.  they protected us.  And that was amazing.

So yeah, this place isn't perfect, there's some places comme ça, but it's still wonderful.   I love the people, even those who throw stuff at us and roll doobies in front of our face.  I love the work.  for the missionaries coming to visit you, do what you can to show how willing you are to do missionary work and help them, and they'll love you.  the people I love most in this ward are those willing to go out and help us.

This is an amazing work.

Love you all,
Elder Liechty
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