Monday, September 2, 2013

Week #4 - MTC

Yeah so I'll send the pants as soon as I can, and if nothing can be done, don't worry 'bout it, and just keep 'em there because they'd be just extra weight.  If nothing can be done about the pants, I might just send the jacket home, too, so I don't have to worry about that, either.  What a shame because it's a nice suit, the pants just don't fit.  Which is also weird, because the other pants which are supposed to be sized the same fit just fine.  Hmmmmmm.

I love receiving your quick mid-week notes, and the packages mmmmmhhmmmmmhhhhhhmmmmm!  And if the Christensens are reading this, thank you so so so so so so so so much for the packages.  So much.  My whole district is just so jealous that other families besides my own love me enough to send me packages.  But yes, I share the love.  But thank you so much, again, because everything is so delicious, and also I have dinner at 4:00, and I need something to eat between then and bedtime, and these packages are really holding me over.  thanks so much!

Quick shout out to all my friends who haven't written me once (you know who you are)
Shout out to all the people who've written me once and haven't written back (EMILY JORGENSON)
And the last shout out to the three friends who still write me, Kylie, Mary Jane, and Wesley.  You're my real friends.  Oh, and of course Mommy and Daddy and the Christensens

Did Caity get my birthday card?  It's hilarious, homemade, and from the heart.  If not, HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY CAITLYN!  You're so old it hilarious.  You're like 200 years old.  Ancient.

I get to email for a total of an hour each p-day (HA.  Hear that Zach?  I get twice as long as you because the mission presidents love me more than they loved you!  Eat it), and I can spread that hour out as long as I want.  I normally get on around noon, right after lunch, and write the good old letters for about 30-45 mins, and then get on for the rest of the time while my laundry is getting did and I can put pictures up n stuff.  That's how that works.

I FORGOT TO CONGRATULATE YOU ON YOUR NEW JOB.  Congratulations!  Felicitation!  Bien!  Je suis tres heureux pour vous!  What do you do exactly at your job?  Do you teach or do you operate on people?  Or do you feed people healthy stuff or do you just tell them to eat healthy stuff?  Because you're telling me to eat veggies and salads, and I feel like that might just be a mom thing, but it also might be because you're a nutrition of sorts now, or something.  My family is all growing up.  Sam has a job, mom has a job, Zach has a car, dad's a rocket scientist starting tomorrow, Caity's a grandma.  And I'm a MISSIONARY.

To Sam:  Sometimes, bud, you gotta man up to get the things you want.  You might as well punch the kid who asked Brooke to the dance in the face.  It's just something you have to do.  That's how I got through highschool and that's why people respected me.  cuz I wasn't afraid to just punch some punks in the face.  Buuuuuuuuuut if that's not what you're into, I'm sure this Shelby girl will be just a fine dancer.

WAIT.  Sam's going on a date?  He's like as old as Caitlyn by now then, huh?  150, 160 maybe?  wowweee.

Jace Face said he got your packages and he looooooooooooves the rolls.  We're making the whole MTC jealous because it's like we have two sets of parents.  It's awesome.

I would LOVE to get spiritual and uplifting messages each week, there's no such thing as too much of that.

As for devotionals, we only go to the Marriott Center for Tuesday night devotionals, the Sunday night ones are just in the gym and they pull out the bleachers.  Missionaries have to go into the overflows because there's a million of us.

P-Days:  Wake up at 6:00, get ready, eat breakfast at 6:30, go to the temple, get back, study, eat lunch, change into p-day clothes, email, laundry, write letters, fold laundry, back to residence and maybe shine shoes or just sit around or something, maybe play some FLOOR-square on the mini four-square court we made in the hallway with tape (the ball is a rubber band ball), back into missionary attire, eat dinner, back to class at 4:45.  That's P-day.  Not really a break, but it's still fun.

EXCEPT FOR TODAY.  Oh yeah.  Today.  Mmmmmmmmhmmmm.  The temple was closed because it is Labor Day, so we weren't scheduled for that today.  Don't get me wrong, I love going to the temple, but today was just oh yes.  We woke up at 6:25 instead, changed straight into P-day clothes, got breakfast, came back to the residence, and did absolutely nothing.  I finished reading "Our Search For Happiness" by M. Russell Ballard, and then took a nap.  We all took naps.  And then I woke up and finally showered and changed into missionary clothes and studied and ate lunch.  Then back out of missionary clothes and here I am, writing this letter.  So relaxing, and I feel so lazy, and it's such a change of pace, but it's just aight.  Just aight.

Oh man.  The church is so true.  And this is how I know:

Because I prayed.  I prayed to know the truth of these simple things, such as Joseph Smith, the Restoration, the Book of Mormon, just all the basics of our church.  And I gained such a testimony, it's not even funny.  Sure, I like to get into conversations with my district members about some deeper doctrine that no one really understands and won't understand until we live with Heavenly Father again, but what it boils down to, and the times I really feel the Spirit, is when I'm reminded of the simple truths of this church.  that's why I loved reading "Our Search For Happiness."  It just lays it out, everything we know that's true, in simple language.  And then I watched the Joseph Smith movie and OH MAN I don't know if there was a second during that movie when I didn't feel the Spirit reminding me the truths of these things.  We walked out of that film and I turned to the guys I was sitting with and said "every time I watch that movie, I'm reminded of just how true this church is.  So true."  I love this church, the gospel, the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, and everything he has done for me and for everyone.

Aside from this spiritual enlightenment, we've been teaching a couple investigators, Jonothan (Jon-oh-ton) and Laeticia (Lay-tee-see-uh).  They're both our teachers, but also investigators.  It's really fun, even though it's fake, because teaching is fun.  It's always scary to start, but when you get into it, it's just fun and the Spirit is so strong and I love it.

Keep the packages and letters coming, and like I said, I'd love to have a good spiritual thought with each of them, like you asked about.

Elder Liechty

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