Monday, August 26, 2013

Max's MTC district - sweater Saturday

Week #3 - MTC

Dear the fam,

As for San Fran, we went alone, just a bunch o missionaries, no adults.  And our travel leader was clueless.  He was travel leader cuz his name was first in the alphabet, but I think he's probably been to an airport once, if that.  Just clueless.  Luckily, the son of travel master Kent Liechty was there to guide all the noobs about the airports.  FOLLOW THE SIGNS.  You don't need the map if there's a sign, pal.

My stomach: pretty sure it's wheat.  Cuz I stopped and my tummy was fine, and then I started again and my tummy hurt.  I think I can eat small doses of wheat and I'll be fine, but too much (like a whole sandwich or cake or something) just throws off my game.  You know.  My "game"

People I saw:
Ben Adamson's parents.  Like four times.  Once through the window, we waved to each other cuz I was in the middle of a lesson, and the next time I talked with Sister Adamson on a bench on my way to Priesthood meeting, and then I saw them a couple more times through the window of my classroom.  Brother Adamson must be in a branch presidency or something, cuz they're there every Sunday.
Ray Smith.  Wha-wha-what?  I saw Ray Smith.  He was coming out of the room where I have Priesthood cuz he must've just finished with his meeting, and he recognized me, and we say hey, and that was fun.
I've seen loads of Lone Peakers, and said bye-bye to some of they good ones just the other day cuz they leave for the field today and tomorrow.  One of whom is Nate Olson, who I see fairly often, but not loads.  He leaves tomorrow.  That's so exciting, I really can't wait to get to Franch.

One more thing to share before we get into this:
The MTC President looks like Geoffrey Rush combined with the old guy from Boston we saw at Tahoe that looked kind of like a Basset Hound.  That's just something important I noticed.

Now to the good stuff.
This week was crazy cray and just faster than I could have imagined.  I don't really remember anything from Monday or Tuesday because, even though this week was so fast, those were forever ago.  What I do remember, though, is that we started with a new investigator one of those days.  Prior to this investigator, we had only had one.  And what we did for her was she showed us a video at the beginning of who she was (en francais), so it was like we'd met her before or street contacted or something.  So we knew some stuff about her.  But this next investigator we went in straight up door contact, no prior knowledge, en francais.  But it was great.  I didn't bring any notes, and I feel like I did better, because I made eye contact instead of reading off a paper or something lame.  She said she believed in science, but we got her to pray.  Eat that, science.  And the coolest thing after that was she came in and talked to us about how we did, and she told us that she is actually a convert and this is how she was before she was baptized, and so this was basically real.

Then, the next day was kinda the buns.  I was feeling lazy and empty and I felt like everyone was feeling the spirit but me.  SPIRITUAL THOUGHT TIME.  So I prayed that night to help me feel and recognize the Spirit.  And I went to bed with the best feeling ever.  And then the next day we had something called "TRC" or "Training Resource Center."  You go in and you have basically an FHE style meeting with members in the area who speak French.  Funny thing is, they think they're coming in to help us teach French, but in reality, we're helping them come closer to Christ with the lessons we share with them.  Elder Higham and I prayed so hard before our lesson that we would be influenced by the Spirit what to teach.  And the first lady we tought, we made cry because she felt the Spirit.  she said we said exactly what she needed to hear.  Oh yeah.  And the next two guys also felt the Spirit, you could tell.  It was probably the most fun I've had teaching at the MTC so far.

BUT THEN.  I got a cold.  It was starting on Friday, worse on Saturday, the WORST on Sunday, but it's starting to clear up nicely.  This is the fastest a cold has ever cleared up for me, I'd say.  Probably the involvement of the Spirit or something.

BUT ALSO THEN.  On Saturday night, i believe it was, we had another door contacting activity.  And we went up to the door and said "bonjour, je m'appelle Elder Liechty et il s'appelles Elder Higham.  Nous sommes missionaires de L'Eglise de Jésus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours, et nous avons un message pour vous.  Est-ce que vous croyez en Dieu?"  (hi, we're missionaries, we have a message, do you believe in God?)  He straight up said no, and we asked him why, and he said his family was Protestant, but he didn't agree with them and didn't really believe in God.  So we told him what we believe, and that God loves us, and he asked "If God loves us, why is there sadness and starving children in Africa?"  Stupid question.  Not actually stupid, but I didn't know what to do, especially en francais.  So we train wrecked an explanation, and he looked at his watch, and said "I have to eat."  And I looked behind him, and he was in classroom, THERE WAS NO FOOD, HE DIDN'T HAVE TO EAT.  He was just avoiding us.  That hurt.  He's a stupid face (or, as the French would say, a stoop-eh-d-uh f-eh-ssuh, soft on the "uhs").  And then we learned that for the rest of our district, he was pretty easy, and most of them got return appointments.  How rude.

But I still love it here, and the Spirit is so strong, and my French is coming along nicely.  AND I GOT MY FIRST HAIRCUT.  Not bad, not bad.  You do better, but not bad.

Anyway, love you all,
Elder Liechty

Monday, August 19, 2013

Week #2 - MTC

Mommy, daddy, Caity, Sammy, Zachy, Monty, and all the rest.

This week went so dang fast it isn't funny.  Not funny.  But it's still so fun and so spiritual and so everything and just yeah and I love it and yeah this is great I love the MTC oh my gosh I love it.

I got all yo packages, and they were PERFECT.  I use both the towel and the washcloth AND the microfiber towel, so good thing you sent all those pieces.  The shirts were perfect.  i finally put the odor-eaters in my shoes so now my feet don't stink all the time.  I could smell them when I was WEARING shoes mom I think I have a problem.  And yes, my passport is with the Visa people.  How do I know?  BECAUSE I WENT TO SAN FRAN, BABAAAAAAAY.  But it was lame because we got on the plane, delayed for an hour and a half on the plane, got to San Fran, got our Visa stuff, hurried super super fast to In-N-Out for lunch, got on the plane, got back to Salt Lake, got on the frontrunner, and made it back to the MTC.  And we had woken up at 2:30 am to get to the airport.  But it was really fun, even though I was tired out of my pants and greasy because I slept all the time, and I think my grease level increases when I close my eyes.  What?

And the whole address deal?  that was just some weird stuff, I don't think it really even matters as long as you my name, the MTC, and 163 on that.  The date doesn't even really mean anything, but feel free to add it just in case n stuff.  September 17.  And the stamps are adorable.  And don't worry about the money, I just want to save my MTC money card up for dry cleaning before I leave, so I have cash to exchange for Euros when I'm O-U-T out.

The Dear Elder letter boosted my spirits big time, thanks momma for that, and I don't think I need any more evening snacks.  The nutty bars (mmmmhhmmmhhmmmmmhmmmm) and the Sprees are taking care of me pretty well.  And the Izzes.  And the Werther's.  YES.  the Werther's.  so satisfying.  This keyboard is having a hard time with the "shift" key, so don't be offended if I don't capitalize stuff.

First things first:
I'm preeeeeeetty sure I have a wheat allergy or gluten intolerance or something.  Because I have been BAYUD (bad).  My tummy that is.  but I started of wheat for a day, felt better, relapsed because wheat is SO GOOOOOOD, and then fixed i up the next day, and so far today the only wheat I've had was a cookie.  Not a good idea, probably should've gone totes wheat free, but what they hay (get it?  Hay?  Kind of like wheat?  Same plant or something?).

AND SAM HAS A JOB?  How long have I been gone?!! What year is it?!  Is this still real life?  AND ZACH MADE A DECISION FOR HIMSELF?  Is this the future?  Is Zach actually a robot now?  My how the world has changed since I left.

And I got the cupcakes.  Oh yes I got the cupcakes.  I ate two of them and shared the rest with my district for the sake of my stomach.  But two was enough.  i won't explain everything that happens in my tummy when I eat wheat, but to sum things up, extreme discomfort.  But I'll suck it up, because wheat is worth it.  Not really.  I should stop.  And there are ten elders in my district (P.S. They're all awesome), six of which are in my room (the most awesome of them.  Not really, they're all equally awesome).

I'm beyond pro at francais by now.  By maitenent.  That means now in French.  en francais, that is.  See how good I am?  So good.  Omelette du fromage.  I ate an omelette du fromage the other day.  At the SLC airport.  Some hippie, organic French breakfast place with a crazy lady at the register.  But the omelette du fromage was so fine.  But really, I love the French language and I love speaking it.  I don't know every word, just most of them.  Not really that either, but I've probably learned more in the past week or so than I did in two years at school.  The spirit is so strong here it's cray.

My favorite part of the day is... I love just about all of it, really.  I love getting to write in my journal at night, reflect on the day, think of all the times I saw the Lord's hand in my day.  and let me tell you, it's a LOT.  Of times.  My least fav part is waking up every morning.  Cuz we got the buns end of the deal having breakfast at 6 30.  Waking up at 6 00 and being showered and in church clothes for breakfast.  No, I take it back.  My least favorite part is showering.  The showers are nastaaaaay.  Not really, just a lot of unidentifiable objects on the floors and walls, good thing I have shower sandals.  Ew.  Ew. Eeeew.  And when you're showering, and you hear the guy next to you hock five thousand loogies.  so I try to get the nicest (emphasis on nicEST) shower, but someone always gets it before me.  Before I make anyone throw up, I'll stop here.  P.S. I've dropped my towel on the nasty floor too many times to be happy anymore.  gonna wash that thing about twenty times before I use it again.

*************VERY IMPORTANT MORE THINGS TO SEND PLEASE LOVE MAX***************************
I need some more pants for p-day, cuz it's against the rules to wear shorts on p-day, and I'm gonna need to wash these pants sometime.  Oooh, and socks, because we exercise e'er day, and these socks are getting crusty, and I am not a fan of that.  so by socks I mean running socks, like the grey ones.  Take them from Sam if you have to.
My Mr. Mac suit.  Okay this the deal.  It fits.  But the legs are like barely too short and they're also really baggy and it feels like I'm wearing my marching band uniform.  i don't like that feeling.  I don't know if there's anything we can do bouts that?  You know me, though, it's gonna be a thing.  Because they don't fit right.  Like my other suit.  I love that one.  All the Mr. Mac pants fit right, just not the suit pants.

Let me tell you some about my district, because this week is nothing new (learning, teaching, speaking Franch, sleeping, eating, etc.)
i am so blessed with the people I was roomed with and put in a district with.  Elder Higham, my companion, super cool. He's also DL, so no big deal.  ha.  DL, deal.  No big DL.  Ha.  Elder Thompson: reminds me of Justin Sloter from Ames, IA, on my baseball team.  Ask dad about him.  Looks just like him.  Elder Miner: reminds me of someone I've known before, but I can't put my finger on it.  Elder Gram:  So German.  So, so so so so so so so so so German.  I mean, he was born in Denmark, raised in Germany, mostly German.  so German.  Elder Eady:  So British. Soooooo British.  But he's hilarious.  He's the only 19 year old in my district, and we talk about English stuff all the time.  Like trousers, and chips, and other things.  they use weird words for weird things in England.  Elder Tsie: So Asian.  Looks like Psy.  And his name is Tsie.  Almost the same.  Elder Lam: 24 years old, military vet from Singapore, such a powerful example of obedience and faith and spirituality and reverence and classiness.  He's like a dad.  Elder Tidwell:  from Kaysville, UT, that should say enough.  Just kidding.  He started out with a bad attitude, but now he's really cool and he's working hard and it's great to see his progress.  Elder Dayley:  Went to LP, never knew him at school, now we're best friends.  i really love my district. like loads.

I wish I could send pictures, but there's no SD slot.  So maybe you could send the USB cord that came with the camera?  that would be sweet.  Also, Jacen Christensen's dad has sent me donuts, and his mom sent me a box of candy, and also Jacen shared a peach with me that his dad sent him.  So I think it would be nice to send him something.  I can get his address, or you can send it to me and I can give it to him.  I see him all the time, he lives almost right above me in my building.  That's all I think I need right now.  Pants, socks, cord, stuff for Jacey.  And also Jacen's companion looks like Nicolas Cage.  It's hilarious.  

I'll write you up if I find I need more stuff or if I just want to say something or write my testimony or what not.  I love you all, and thanks for the prayers.

Love U 4 ever,
Elder Liechty


I probably love it more now.  It's going so fast and I'm learning so much.  But I'm so blessed to be here, and the spirit is so strong.  I do miss you, but I don't miss gardening.  But I do miss fresh veggies.  I love the gospel.  I love Sunday.  I've never looked forward to Sunday until here.  The spirit is like candy.  Love this place.  I'm so glad you and Zach set the example to serve a mission.  I really love it here, I love every minute, I love being dedicated to the gospel.

Love you daddio,

Monday, August 12, 2013

Week #1 - MTC

Ha, Zach's a BABY.  I haven't even cried once here.  I'm so strong and manly.
But really, I haven't cried since I got set apart.  The spirit (l'Esprit) is so strong here among all the missionaries that I can't help but be happy and smile and keep working hard and keeping an eye and a mind single to the work.
Day one.  I met my companion, Elder Higham, and he's the best.  There's not much more to say about that.  The MTC president told us to turn to our new companions and say "I think I'm gonna like you." So we did.  Then he said to tell them "I know I'm gonna love you."   And boy do I.  In the straightest way possible, I love Elder Higham.  He's from California, and he's the youngest of 13 kids.  Wha-ha-ha-ha-what?!!??  his oldest sibiling is 39 and he has 34 nieces/nephews with 7 on the way.  Mormon family.  But he's so awesome.  He was voted "most innocent" for his senoir superlative.  Most innocent and class clown paired up together?  Power companions.
So far we've learned how to pray, testify, and introduce ourselves en français.  Testify is temoigner and pray is prier.  that's just some French I know by now, no big deal, yo.  We always speak French with each other, we being my district, during lunch and dinner.  I was even saying a personal prayer last night en anglais and without even thinking I ended it with au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen.  I love the French language.
something super interesting I learned/was confirmed by studying the French language.  Do you remember when I was talking to you about how when you say thee and thy and Thou how that used to be super informal and that's why you say "Your Majesty"?  Well in French when we pray, we use "tu" which is the informal form of "you."  When you pray with this mindset, like you're just talking to your dad and thanking Him and telling Him what's up, it's so much easier to pray.  I get so much more out of it this way.  It's a two way deal, where you communicate with each other.  Just as you're listening for an answer, He's listening for the questions.  I just realized that like right now while I'm typing this.  this is awesome.  So much revelation all the time when you're in the missionary mindset.
Like this morning, in the temple (it just opened up again, SWEET), I realized why the tree of good/evil is so ugly and the fruit looks like nasty tomatoes.  Because the tree isn't what tempted Eve, it was Satan.  SATAN!!!  It was his use of beautiful words and his lies and his tempting power that drove Adam and Eve to partake of the fruit.  It just goes to show how Satan can tempt and deceive even the most innocent people.
Yesterday for the Sunday devotional, we sang a boat load of hymns (cantiques).  It was the coolest stinkin' thing hearing all the elders and sisters in one room just singing out.  We also sang "When I Am Baptized", the children's hymn, and I almost cried.  But I stayed strong, momma, I stayed strong.  It was so beautiful.  Then after the devotional it was MOVIE TIME.  Our district decided to watch The Character of Christ, by Elder Bednar.  Watch it.  I'm telling you.  Everyone says it's so great and that you should watch it, and you might not believe them, but honestly.  Watch the crud out of that.
As far as teaching and learning goes, we've taught an investigator twice.  En français.  pas d'anglais.  The first time we had notes and all that, and the second time we could also have notes, but I forgot mine in the classroom so I just winged that bébé.  and it went just alright.  When we pray before teaching, l'Esprit is there so strong and there's just no worries.  I can understand so much of what our investigator, Sophie, is saying and then I can even talk back to here, even with my limited knowledge of French.  It's not perfect, but it's schweet.
I've also memorized the Missionary Purpose and Joseph's Smith's account of the First Vision.  Check this out:
"I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which decended gradually until it fell upon me...when the light rested upon me I saw two personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air.  One of them spoke unto me, calling me by name, and said, pointing to the other "This is my beloved Son.  Here him!"
Impressed?  No notes, ladies.  How'd I do?  parfait?  Je le sais, je le sais.
Well I think that covers most of it.  I love my companion, I really love my district, too, they're all the best guys (and this elder from Lone Peak, Elder Dayley, who I didn't know like at all when we went to school together, is in my district, and now we're just about the greatest of friends).  I feel like I've known these elders since before I came to the MTC.  I can't wait to get out to France yet, but I really love the MTC and I know I have much much to learn.\
Elder Liechty
P.S. Mom, was that good paragraph form, or what?