Monday, April 20, 2015

Week #84 - Avignon


Get me that printin' / copyin' job!  That would be wonderful, otherwise I'd probably pee my pants and also wouldn't know what to do about money and also paying for university, but maybe I'll just go back to Papa Murphy's.

Tell brother Terry that I'll do it, alright?  Just get off my BACK!  Kiddin'.  Tell him thanks for being our neighbor n all that :)

I can't think of any recipes in specific, desserts taste better back home, any way!  We've found a delicious recipe where you make normal cookies, but you use this awesome cereal instead of chocolate chips, and they rule, so we're already blowing members away with that :)

I learned somethin' neat in personal study this morning, too :  about restoration.  In Alma 41 (I think), when he's talking to Corianton and about how wickedness never was happiness, he talks a lot about what restoration means.  About how it means the restoring of something old to itself, just new.  So, like, it's exactly the same as it was when it was old, but it's here.  Now.  Like when you're bad and you die, you are restored in badness.  When you're good and die, you are restored in goodness.  When an old motorcycle was black and then got all rusty, they restor to be black again and to function the way it did when it was brand new!  Like when Jesus Christ forms a church and then restors it 1800 years later the exact same as it was when he made it then!  Cool.

I'm real sorry, but this email might be kinda rushed, cuz we have a real cool pday planned with all the JAs and this less active boy, and we gotta be headin' out pretty soon, but I'll try to make this email worth your while!

Let's start with monday.  We went to visit this famille named la famille Lauthier.  The mother is less active as is the father, they have a few children that are baptized, and the others are not.  They love the missionaries and they're really cool.  They wanted their kids to be baptized a while ago, then they had some problems with the branch or something, then she came back out of nowhere and requested us to visit them again, so that was neat.  We got to know them, they made us some cookies, their daughter who lives in Belgium was there, too, and she works at a chocolat making place, and she haad PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATS.  Mmmmmmmmmmm.  So yeah, we visited that famille, they live real far away, so by the time the bus got us home, it was the end of the day.  As far as pday, it was kinda lame, not much to do cuz we had to take the bus far n stuff, but yeah.  This pday should make up for it.  We also saw a giant duck in the city where we were, so, see pictures.

Then the next day we went to see Sr. Protano because she had some cake for the other elder's birthday.  She's still recovering from her hospital visit, but hopefully she'll be able to make it to church again soon!  After that we headed out to Orange to see if we could find some less actives.  On sister we found home, she was really nice, but her husband wasn't home, so we couldn't visit.  She's from Romania, and she takes care of children all day long, so she doesn't really have any open time to meet n stuff, so we're gonna try to get an active famille from Orange to visit her from time to time.  Then the other addresse was no good, so we knocked on all the doors in the neighborhood, nuthin' much.  But it was beautiful weather, nice n warm, and we met some cool old guys on the street.

Then mercredi Elder Olivier was having more bowel problems and Sister Povar told him to not leave, so Elder Bleak and I shared our days.  We went to go see an ami named Jessica, who has a member husband from Tahiti (less active, though), and they were cool.  When we got in, they had Water for Elephants playing, so I thought of a joke and slayed Elder Bleak with it later ("did you know that Reese What's-her-bucket got stabbed?" "Witherspoon?" "No, with her knife."), but also the rdv was really good.  After that we went back into town to meet up with one of the JAs cuz he had a request for us to help him with someone he was home teaching, so we talked about him and made some plans to help him out.

Jeudi we had district meeting in the morning, very lively.  Talked a lot about how to better prepare for lessons, which is way important, so that was a nice reminder.  Then when we came back, we were supposed to have a rdv with Etienne, but he couldn't, so we went to our next rdv at Bernard's home, with his non member wife Marylène, and that was fun.  They gave us food, we sang hymns and played guitar with them.  They also have a turtle named Totosh who is adorable, see pictures.

Then vendredi we saw Eric (the first ami we got to see this week...!), and we had a real good rdv about putting our trust in the Lord.  He accepts real well all we teach him, but whenever we talk baptism, he's like "well shoot, I haven't really thought about it yet" and he hasn't read the BoM between visits yet, so, he's not really getting the best nourishment between visits.  He likes it when we're there, but he kinda forgets how much he likes it between rdvs.  But he promised to really think about it, so, next time we see him!  Then we went to english class, it was fun, as usual, lots more members there this time, so that was especially fun.

Then samedi we went to the church in the morning to clean it because this soeur whose husband is out of town needed help.  We made it squeaky clean, then ate a delicious kebab for lunch.  Then we were supposed to have samedi sportif, but nooooo body came for some reason......really kinda a bummer.  Felt like one of those kids that invites all his friends to a birthday party, and no one shows.  Or, like, in that new Mormon Message with David A. Bednar and "loads" when he says "Nobody came..."  That gives you an idea of how much of a bummer it was.  But we got over it, went back and changed, and then this member took us out to another member's home for an FHE/delicious sausage dinner.  Yummm.  There son is also in the same mission as Adam Packer!

So then comes dimanche.  Church was really cool, there were three American families/people there.  This guy from Utah, this couple from Texas, and this famille from California, one of the daughters lives in Bordeaux.  so yeah, church was fun.  It was realllllly awesome to see Jean-Personne at church, and also I noticed him looking through the church photo book thing, and he paused for a real long time on the baptism photos, sooooooo.  We'll be talking about that with him.  Then we went to pass André, nothin'.  He wasn't home!  That was a huge surprise, cuz he's always home.  So, while waiting for the next bus, I made a bunch of calls and fixed some rdvs, and then also that night I called Sister Lauthier to fix with her, too, and then she told me, like, her whole life story and a bunch of cool stuff that is happening with her less active daughter in Belgium, so that was neat.  Also fixed a rdv with her, so yeah, cool.

and now today we got big plans for a fun pday with the other Elders and the young adults, so I'll probs have pics for next week :) Also, I'm running out of space on my SD card, and I think you still have the one I sent home not too long it in the package you said you sent?

Anyway, love ya loooots, have a great week


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