Monday, January 20, 2014

Week #19 - Bordeaux


1. The package arrived, and........I LOVED IT.  I wore the shirt first thing, then we built a track for the mario karts, then I ate some candy, then I read about our family and looked at our picture and it was great.  Love you thanks.  Also, something we need to do when I return is visit the PEZ Visitor Centre, because that looks sweet.

2.  Not transferred, new companion!  Bordeaux Bordeaux BORDEAUX.  I like Bordeaux.  And guess who the new zone leaders are?  It's....... ELDER BEYER! (His companion and trainer in Gex) So I'll get to work with him again, very neat.  What a good man.

3.  Ha the thumb is fine, it has dried up, it looks sweet, and I forced it to dry in a way that makes my thumb a little bit longer, so that's neat.

4.  My talk is supposed to be on "Se Rapprocher de Dieu" a talk by Terence M Vinson at some general conference last year.  I don't know the exact name in English, something like "Coming Closer to God" maybe?  But my plan is to work all week for that puppy and make it real real good and earn some more respect from the membres and then they'll give me the names of their friends for us to teach and baptize.  Still trying to decide if I will write it all down or just bullet point it.  We'll see.  Pray for me?

5.  Bouba came to church again, and he is still awesome and classy, and he gave the opening prayer in Sacrament meeting, and we hugged several times, joked around like old friends.  Haven't taught him or taught with him yet, but he seems to be doing great, just gotta make sure that lasts.  He's awes.

6.  My own money I think I only spend during soldes, so, this week, after checking my account, you will see how literally I took your words "hit up those sales!"  I didn't go crazy, but I hit up those soldes.  And now have membership cards from several fancy clothing stores because why not?

Something I noticed in my last email that I didn't make very clear and maybe thought about clarifying but didn't was the fact that Tommy is not Kéziah's boyfriend.  Tommy is a super sweet recent convert, and Kéziah was staying with him because she travels a lot.  We've never met her boyfriend, but if we do, he's gonna get what's comin'.  But some sad news, Tommy is moving away on mardi to Brest up in Brètagne, so we probably won't ever see him again.  And Kéziah is going to be traveling to Paris and Africa and Tahiti and all over the world, and Tommy won't be here anymore, so chances are we won't see her much more either.  BUT.  Tonight we have a family home evening planned with Tommy, Kéziah, and the Famille Alves (the Tahitiens), so that will be fun and we'll say our goodbyes.  Mission life.

I'll email Sambo and tease him for you, no worries. :) 

I'm reading the LdM, but now I'm in the Isaiah chapters in 2 Néphi, and it's even harder in French, because it's not the same translation as the English Bible, and some of the words are so old that they are not in the dictionary, so I just kind of have to guess and go by setting.  But also I'm finding some cool things in Isaiah, so I guess it's worth it.

This week was too fast.  I don't think we actually did anything it was so fast it was DUMB.

On lundi we had plans to go to a movie night with some amis and some membres at the church, watching Joseph Smith, Prophète du Rétablissement.  But then Tommy called and said he couldn't make it, but we could come to his place.  So we did.  And then he told us he was moving to Brest as soon as he could sell his appartement (he managed to sell it the next day, and has been living with la famille Alves since until he's gone for good...).  So we didn't really have a lesson planned, so we asked him what he wanted us to talk about, and he said Marriage in the Temple for Eternity.  So we talked about it, about the blessings we've seen from having a famille sealed for eternity, and so forth.  It was really good.

Then mardi we saw Tommy again, learning he had sold his appartement that morning (it's a pretty nice appartement very centered in Bordeaux, so the people we're quick to snatch that), and helped him clean and get the place ready to leave.  So we snagged some paintings and some of his old clothes for our appartement.  Then that evening we had our Missionary Council, helped our Mission Leader build a couch real quick, and talked about our amis and their needs.  Good times.  Also I ate for the first time the fruit Litchi (lychee), and that's how everyone pronounces my name here, but it's a delicious fruit, so that's okay.

On mercredi we saw Frère Handy (a gentle giant who is a little bit slow, may have some problems, but he's still great), and he talked to us about some issues he's been having, so we lovingly talked with him about it, shared some scripture examples to help him, and told him that we're all here to help him.  It was a little sad at first, but the desire to fix his issues was there and he knows what he needs to do.  We'll be seeing him again this mercredi.  Then that evening we had a RDV with la famille Spagnolini, were we talked about missionary work, and then they gave us a quiche and a galette and some apples and some juice to take home with us for dinner.  They're a super famille, very very old, but super.

Jeudi we had a couple failed RDVs at the church, so nothing much happened that morning/afternoon, but then we went out contacting, found some cool people, then had a MGV with la famille Caussé, the parents of the presiding biship Caussé.  They were super, we talked about the Spirit you can feel in members' homes versus that of others.  They're also old, but it was a good lesson and good food.  Also, we talked a lot about the fruit Litchi because of our name :)

Vendredi we met with some more OLD PEOPLE, some membres, la famille Labourel, talked about the importance of reading the scriptures and the words of the prophets.  Then CONTACTING.  We found someone really cool, though, her name is Laura, gave her a LdM, got a number, gonna set something up, cross our fingers, praying, the like.  Then after, we ate at an Ethiopean restaurant with Tommy.  We passed by this restaurant everytime we went to Tommy's, and it always smelled amazing, so we ate there.  It was really tasty, and I learned some words in Ethiopean.  Yummmmmmm

Samedi we had a RDV with a less active named Pierre, who was DMP many years ago, but we found him contacting and he said call him and we can fix something.  The RDV was real good, and he said we could come again, just call and fix something again.  We talked about true conversion.  Then we went out to try to find some membres who hadn't been to church in a very long time, and to see if they were still interested.  It was a very grey day and raining, and no one was outside.  We didn't talk to a whole lot of people, but we did find one membre's husband home, he said she was sick, but we left our card, he said we could come back, and we're praying for her.  Then we found a couple guys trying to move a fridge into their appartement, and we offered help, they accepted, and we helped them.  They were very cool, found out we were American, and they LOVE AMERICA.  The Frenchies love America and Americans, just not when you speak English around them and they can't understand you.  So if you're American trying to speak French, they love you.  Cool.  And then these guys offered us som Coke and some little cakes they made, very tasty.

Dimanche was church, classic.  Waited for some guys who said they'd come, they didn't come....bummer, but then church was still good anyway.  Then we had plans to meet someone after, but he didn't come either.....bummer, but then we went to go try to pass some more membres, not much success, raining still, my umbrella broke (bought a new one today, no worries).

And then today.  SOLDES SOLDES SOLDES did a lot of shopping today, bought some nice ties for 50 percent off, some nice pants for 50 percent off, the works.  One pair of pants for 70 percent off, no biggie.  Tonight is our last RDV with Tommy boy, so that should be fun and touching.

Amen, Elder James E. Faust.  I retestify of that.(“There is divine purpose in the adversities we encounter every day. They prepare, they purge, they purify, and thus they bless.” Elder James E. Faust)

So I love you, and thanks for the Soldes money :)

Have a great week and enjoy being retired,
Elder Max Liechty
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