Monday, January 27, 2014

Week #20 - Bordeaux

I realize Max's letters are kind of long, and as a mom, I'm not complaining, but as a reader, I might get bored:)  But if you skip the middle days of the week part, please read towards the end because he has a request for those of you who pray:)

Maman! (that's how the French say it)

Get THIS.  So we were out doing some Soldes shopping today, and we ran into the Lormont Elders, and now get this.  One of the Elders is Elder Gee.  He's from Canada.  He told me that he was just doing emails and he got one from someone named Ben Jones who he went to college with at BYU and who just got back from his mission in England.  He asked me if I knew him.  I said YES.  Because he said he had eaten dinner at our house recently.  Ha.  Look at that.  Ben had told Elder Gee that I'm in this mission, and we might not know each other because this mission is so huge, but, turns out we're serving in the same ville.  Get that.  Look at that.  Wow.  Quelle chance.

Tommy is gone....booooooooo.  He's all the way up in Brest in Bretagne.  But he managed to discover my first name from Facebook and is going to friend me for when I get back, so that's something to look forward to!  And also he said he's coming back to Bordeaux in three or so months, so if I'm still's possible, no one leaves BDX that fast.

Yeah we can find things like cream of chicken, and maybe stuffing stuff.  Don't worry about all that, no biggies.  But, the recipes, I do believe you can actually send them directly to the mission email, because Soeur Roney is putting together a book, and then you can send them to me.  You just gotta put my name on em, n whatnot.  The only problem with No back cookies is that it's difficult to find peanut butter, and when you do, it's not always a nice price.  But anyway.

The did the Foreigner at Mountain Ridge once, but I never went cuz it wasn't a musical.  Good times

So the week n what

Lundi we had that soirée familiale with la famille Alves, but....they kinda forgot about it (we might have been supposed to call them and confirm but....) but being the Alves famille they had made boat loads of food.  But Tommy and Keziah didn't get there till about NINE when we were leaving, because they had to pick up Tommy's doggy because he was leaving the next morning.  So we saw him for a little and said goodbye, but it was a fun soirée quand même.  We sang in Tahitien.

Mardi we went out and DID WORK.  We went out and contacted up and then passed some notes to some membres.  We found a guy named Simon, he's a student, and he's really interested in religions, not really believing, but he said that could arrive, and we invited him to church.  (HE CAME).  Then the guy right after him we only had a couple seconds to contact him because he was catching a bus to Lacanau (two hours away), but we got his number and we were supposed to see him the next day while he was in BDX (that didn't work out, unfortunately).  Then we had RCM, and our new Zone Leaders were there, and we had crêpes.  Yum.

Mercredi I think it was raining really hard?  It has rained a lot this week, every day (as it has since I've been in BDX) but also really hard.  Luckily I have an umbrella.  Yes.  But we went and saw Frère Handy, and he was doing alright, but he's still really upset and concerned and scared that he is unpardonnable for his sins.  Don't worry, we fixed him up real nice on dimanche, news on that to come.  This day while we were out n about we contacted a girl who said she isn't really believing, but she thinks that everyone has a guardian angel of sorts (that's Heavenly Father, I do believe).  We set up a RDV for this week to come, but she just texted us and said it's not gonna work, but maybe we can get another maybe...also she lives in Mont-de-Marsan, which is pretty far away, she's just in BDX the first few days of the week for school.  Well anyway, still a good day.

Jeudi we taught a Spanish lady we had found in the Area Book.  It said she was making really good progress, gaining a testimony, but then she left on vacation and they lost contact with her.  So we called her, and found out she was baptized catholic since then, but she was willing to see us.  So we saw her, it was alright, we might have to pass her to the elders in Talence thought because she doesn't live within our boundaries anymore.  Then we went out and did work, found a guy that was really smiley and happy and pretty interested in the restored church, it seemed, and we're gonna call him when he gets back from Paris in a week or so, I believe.  Then after that we found this lady from Mexico, who is super catholic, but her daughter is struggling, so we offered our help, and she accepted it.  She's gonna try to get us in contact with her daughter.  That'll be cool.  She spoke to us in English and that was fun.  Then we had a soirée with Frère Rebuffo, and we talked less actives and people that need help.  Neat.

Vendredi we had a RDV set up, didn't go through.  We even had a membre to come with us, but he was cool with it, he's a returned missionary, he knows this kind of thing happens.  Then it was raining.  And we went out contacting because why not, and we got a number from someone, kind of a really quick contact again, don't really know if she knew what was going on, but, yeah.  But then a guy later we stopped and talked a long time and he said he'll come to church maybe not this dimanche but the next.  Hoping for that, he was pretty neat.  Then that evening we went to la famille Caussé's house, the brother of the presiding bishopric man.  Shared a message about the armor of God, and how the sword of the spirit of God is the only thing not used only for your protection (like the helmet, the breastplate, the shoes, the girded up loins (ha)), but also used to slice people up.  So that means, I suppose, that we are supposed to use the Spirit of God not just for ourselves but for others, too. Hmmmmmmmmm.  That reminds me, have you seen the Hastening the Work of Salvation?  It's really really good, I like it.

Samedi we were supposed to have something with a less active named Pierre, but he kinda forgot about it...hmmm...but so we contacted instead. Then while we were out there, we passed by Frère Boisseau, genealogy EXPERT, and talked to him about genealogy.  He loves genealogy.  The story how he got started is sweet.  He did some genealogy and some temple work, and thought he was good.  Then his father came to him in a dream, and he was WAY mad at him because he was not even close to being done.  Now he is actually a genealogy missionary, and he kicks face at it.  His neighbor is interested, and he's gonna invite us to learn too, and then hopefully teach this neighbor or somethings.  Then that evening, on the way to the familly Tate (they're 'merican, from Idaho), we saw this lady on the bus, from Bergerac I believe, and she asked us if we knew an Elder Truman (who yes, we do), because she totes knows him because her daughter is a MEMBER and invites the missionaries over all the time.  Neat.  Then the Tate's took us out to sushi.  Yummmmmmmmmm

Dimanche went really well.  Simon came to church, our first ami at church for a long time because everyone else is out of town either for a little bit longer or forever...BUT.  He was very cool.  He really likes our morals and how awesome the membres were to him.  He's coming back, I can feel it.  He's pretty busy because he has finals this week, but he said to call him towards the end and we can fix something.  Also.  He's studying mechanical engineering (like I'm thinking about).  He plays the guitar.  He loves folk music and classic rock.  To me, he sounds like the perfect man.  We have to teach him.  And the Frère Handy.  This was so beautiful.  He was sitting alone, looking very very sad, so I went up to him and starting talking to him.  He was still concerned about his salvation, very scared, so we talked.  I told him I'm pretty dang sure you're forgivable, (because Frère Handy is the most lovable giant man and innocent and great), and Jésus-Christ atoned for all your sins, so you don't have to suffer for them like you are doing now.  I said, but I I'm not the judge here.  This is between you and bishop, because he has been called as a "judge in Israel" and he has the earthly say.  Then it's between you and Heavenly Father.  So right then, in the middle of priesthood, he got up and went searching for bishop.  Then afterward, I saw him in the hallway, the happiest I've EVER seen him, and he said "l'évêque m'a dit que je suis pardonnable, je suis pardonnable!"  I'm happy for that man.  I love him.  Then later he started telling everyone how great I am, but I was like "all I said was go talk to bishop..." but seeing people's lives change like that just reminds you that you are doing work.  you are touching lives.  Then later that day we helped the Tates move some things from their old appartement to their new.  Then had tacos with them.

Also I gave a talk on dimanche.  hmmmmmmmm.  I prepared about all week for that baby, and it was alright.  I feel a lot better though now that it's over (talks are STRESSFUL especially in French)

Today it has rained again.  It rains so much.  But sometimes it's perfectly sunny outside and then at the same time it's just coming down.  I don't understand it.  But it's fun.  It makes contacting easier, because instead of trying to talk to everyone, you make a goal to focus on people with umbrellas or something (or my theory sometimes, focus on people without umbrellas because people without umbrellas out in a storm like this are probably the elect).

But it got me thinking.  About that grey Sherpa rain coat and how much i miss it and how maybe if it were possible you could send it in the package with my face soap?  If not, I guess I can buy a lame one here, but whatever.

This week was super neat.  But I do have something I need you to pray for us about.  Elder Foote is getting kind of unmotivated, because it's his last few transfers now.  I've been praying to find ways to help him stay motivated, but maybe my fans back home could help out here?  This last week we worked really hard and saw the fruits, and I need your help to keep us both working that hard.  Thanks for your prayers already, too.

Love you buckets,
Elder Liechty

Monday, January 20, 2014

Week #19 - Bordeaux


1. The package arrived, and........I LOVED IT.  I wore the shirt first thing, then we built a track for the mario karts, then I ate some candy, then I read about our family and looked at our picture and it was great.  Love you thanks.  Also, something we need to do when I return is visit the PEZ Visitor Centre, because that looks sweet.

2.  Not transferred, new companion!  Bordeaux Bordeaux BORDEAUX.  I like Bordeaux.  And guess who the new zone leaders are?  It's....... ELDER BEYER! (His companion and trainer in Gex) So I'll get to work with him again, very neat.  What a good man.

3.  Ha the thumb is fine, it has dried up, it looks sweet, and I forced it to dry in a way that makes my thumb a little bit longer, so that's neat.

4.  My talk is supposed to be on "Se Rapprocher de Dieu" a talk by Terence M Vinson at some general conference last year.  I don't know the exact name in English, something like "Coming Closer to God" maybe?  But my plan is to work all week for that puppy and make it real real good and earn some more respect from the membres and then they'll give me the names of their friends for us to teach and baptize.  Still trying to decide if I will write it all down or just bullet point it.  We'll see.  Pray for me?

5.  Bouba came to church again, and he is still awesome and classy, and he gave the opening prayer in Sacrament meeting, and we hugged several times, joked around like old friends.  Haven't taught him or taught with him yet, but he seems to be doing great, just gotta make sure that lasts.  He's awes.

6.  My own money I think I only spend during soldes, so, this week, after checking my account, you will see how literally I took your words "hit up those sales!"  I didn't go crazy, but I hit up those soldes.  And now have membership cards from several fancy clothing stores because why not?

Something I noticed in my last email that I didn't make very clear and maybe thought about clarifying but didn't was the fact that Tommy is not Kéziah's boyfriend.  Tommy is a super sweet recent convert, and Kéziah was staying with him because she travels a lot.  We've never met her boyfriend, but if we do, he's gonna get what's comin'.  But some sad news, Tommy is moving away on mardi to Brest up in Brètagne, so we probably won't ever see him again.  And Kéziah is going to be traveling to Paris and Africa and Tahiti and all over the world, and Tommy won't be here anymore, so chances are we won't see her much more either.  BUT.  Tonight we have a family home evening planned with Tommy, Kéziah, and the Famille Alves (the Tahitiens), so that will be fun and we'll say our goodbyes.  Mission life.

I'll email Sambo and tease him for you, no worries. :) 

I'm reading the LdM, but now I'm in the Isaiah chapters in 2 Néphi, and it's even harder in French, because it's not the same translation as the English Bible, and some of the words are so old that they are not in the dictionary, so I just kind of have to guess and go by setting.  But also I'm finding some cool things in Isaiah, so I guess it's worth it.

This week was too fast.  I don't think we actually did anything it was so fast it was DUMB.

On lundi we had plans to go to a movie night with some amis and some membres at the church, watching Joseph Smith, Prophète du Rétablissement.  But then Tommy called and said he couldn't make it, but we could come to his place.  So we did.  And then he told us he was moving to Brest as soon as he could sell his appartement (he managed to sell it the next day, and has been living with la famille Alves since until he's gone for good...).  So we didn't really have a lesson planned, so we asked him what he wanted us to talk about, and he said Marriage in the Temple for Eternity.  So we talked about it, about the blessings we've seen from having a famille sealed for eternity, and so forth.  It was really good.

Then mardi we saw Tommy again, learning he had sold his appartement that morning (it's a pretty nice appartement very centered in Bordeaux, so the people we're quick to snatch that), and helped him clean and get the place ready to leave.  So we snagged some paintings and some of his old clothes for our appartement.  Then that evening we had our Missionary Council, helped our Mission Leader build a couch real quick, and talked about our amis and their needs.  Good times.  Also I ate for the first time the fruit Litchi (lychee), and that's how everyone pronounces my name here, but it's a delicious fruit, so that's okay.

On mercredi we saw Frère Handy (a gentle giant who is a little bit slow, may have some problems, but he's still great), and he talked to us about some issues he's been having, so we lovingly talked with him about it, shared some scripture examples to help him, and told him that we're all here to help him.  It was a little sad at first, but the desire to fix his issues was there and he knows what he needs to do.  We'll be seeing him again this mercredi.  Then that evening we had a RDV with la famille Spagnolini, were we talked about missionary work, and then they gave us a quiche and a galette and some apples and some juice to take home with us for dinner.  They're a super famille, very very old, but super.

Jeudi we had a couple failed RDVs at the church, so nothing much happened that morning/afternoon, but then we went out contacting, found some cool people, then had a MGV with la famille Caussé, the parents of the presiding biship Caussé.  They were super, we talked about the Spirit you can feel in members' homes versus that of others.  They're also old, but it was a good lesson and good food.  Also, we talked a lot about the fruit Litchi because of our name :)

Vendredi we met with some more OLD PEOPLE, some membres, la famille Labourel, talked about the importance of reading the scriptures and the words of the prophets.  Then CONTACTING.  We found someone really cool, though, her name is Laura, gave her a LdM, got a number, gonna set something up, cross our fingers, praying, the like.  Then after, we ate at an Ethiopean restaurant with Tommy.  We passed by this restaurant everytime we went to Tommy's, and it always smelled amazing, so we ate there.  It was really tasty, and I learned some words in Ethiopean.  Yummmmmmm

Samedi we had a RDV with a less active named Pierre, who was DMP many years ago, but we found him contacting and he said call him and we can fix something.  The RDV was real good, and he said we could come again, just call and fix something again.  We talked about true conversion.  Then we went out to try to find some membres who hadn't been to church in a very long time, and to see if they were still interested.  It was a very grey day and raining, and no one was outside.  We didn't talk to a whole lot of people, but we did find one membre's husband home, he said she was sick, but we left our card, he said we could come back, and we're praying for her.  Then we found a couple guys trying to move a fridge into their appartement, and we offered help, they accepted, and we helped them.  They were very cool, found out we were American, and they LOVE AMERICA.  The Frenchies love America and Americans, just not when you speak English around them and they can't understand you.  So if you're American trying to speak French, they love you.  Cool.  And then these guys offered us som Coke and some little cakes they made, very tasty.

Dimanche was church, classic.  Waited for some guys who said they'd come, they didn't come....bummer, but then church was still good anyway.  Then we had plans to meet someone after, but he didn't come either.....bummer, but then we went to go try to pass some more membres, not much success, raining still, my umbrella broke (bought a new one today, no worries).

And then today.  SOLDES SOLDES SOLDES did a lot of shopping today, bought some nice ties for 50 percent off, some nice pants for 50 percent off, the works.  One pair of pants for 70 percent off, no biggie.  Tonight is our last RDV with Tommy boy, so that should be fun and touching.

Amen, Elder James E. Faust.  I retestify of that.(“There is divine purpose in the adversities we encounter every day. They prepare, they purge, they purify, and thus they bless.” Elder James E. Faust)

So I love you, and thanks for the Soldes money :)

Have a great week and enjoy being retired,
Elder Max Liechty
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Monday, January 13, 2014

Pictures from Bordeaux

The cow game

On a boat

The beach


Max at the beach

Bordeaux - Week #17

Hello my darling mother,

1. I have..............n't gotten the package yet....mmmmmmm (also, the number one key on this keyboard has something sticky on it............)
2.  I have not thanked yet, but I didn't know either, so I will
3.  It's still difficult, especially with people who speak INCREDIBLY fast, but that's not everybody.  I'm getting a hang on it, and I can understand most, and the Frenchies, for the most part, can understand me.  It's always super old guys that can't understand you, but I guess that's the case in all languages
4.  When we don't talk gospel, we talk about funny experiences in our last villes.  We talk sometimes about funny experience back home, too, but we're trying this week to not because we're trying to follow that tip of not thinking about home for at least one whole day.  Surprisingly, I have enough fun little things from Gex to share that I'm still sharing new things.  Sometimes also we talk about our familles and how cool they are

Funny that you say it felt like two weeks, because this was one of the fastest weeks in the mission so far.  They need to stop going so fast or I'm not gonna be able to baptize anyone!

How often do you go skiing without me that you bought your own?  Getting a little taste of the retired life, are we?

When does Zachary go to Germany?

This week was pretty good, don't know why it went so fast, but, uhh, it was good.

Also, I forgot to tell you, but on lundi, for p-day, we took a BOAT because it's part of the public transportation here in Bordeaux.  It's pretty pointless, it would be much faster to take the tram, but, it's a boat, so we took it up the river and back.  the whole city system is called the La CUB or La Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux, and the boat is called BatCUB, so the name is really cool, and so we took it.  Then afterwards we did some contacting, and then we had a leçon with André over the phone, because we didn't have time to see him in person, because he lives about two hours away...but it was good

Then mardi, we took the train out to see André and teach him.  Guess what we taught him..........It was CHASTITY.  Wow, what a leçon.  I thought it would be more awkward and difficult to teach, but it went well and smoothly and he accepted to live it.  Then we had a missionary meeting that evening, and that's all we could do because we spent a total of almost four hours on train and bus.  WOW.  But also now André is in Paris until the end of the month, we'll maybe be able to see him one day when he gets back, but then he's back to Paris.  He's starting a business with his Mormon friend, and that's how he found out about the church.  We planned with him to have some more phone leçons with him while he's there, because there's no way we're letting the Paris elders take him and baptize him (unless it comes to that, and then it would be fine, because it's more important that HE is baptized than I specifically baptize him....who am I kidding the Paris Elders aren't allowed to touch him)

Mercredi we had lunch with some membres, went out contacting, taught Tommy et Kéziah, and talked to Kéziah about baptism.  She has a testimony, she comes to church all the time, so we asked her what's keeping her, and it's her boyfriend.  Nooooooooo.  She says either they will both be married Catholic or both Mormon, and he doesn't want to be Mormon.  Nooooooooo.  Looks like she's gonna hafta dump him.  He's from South Africa, he doesn't even seem that cool.  But anyway, she's tried talking to him and he doesn't like to listen.  Reason number two to drop that fella.  We'll see.  Kéziah is awesome, boyfriend, not so much.

Jeudi we went out, busted up the streets with our testimonies of the Restored Church, and then ate dinner with Tommy and Kéziah.  Also, we had district meeting that morning and we talked about when contacting familles how to soften the heart of the father so you can sneak into the famille.  Sometimes it's the mother, too.  Never the children, they're always little saints.

Vendredi, more contacting (CONTACTING) followed by a soirée familiale with the famille Maillard, with their less active daughter Tess.  We watched Finding Faith in Christ, good film, and played UNO.  Tess loves the games, and she listens to the leçons pretty well.  She may be mentally challenged in some way, and we're afraid that maybe someone offended her at church and that's why she doesn't come.  Working on it.  Also, during the day, we stopped by Tommy and Kéziah again (third day in a row) to invite them to a young adults activity on Saturday.  That was a quick in, invite, out.

Samedi we went on exchange with the zone leaders.  I went with Elder Cardall, and we played soccer with some membres and their friends in the morning.  It felt like a waste of time, but then this less active guy came, named Bouba, from Togo, and we said "it will be worth it if Bouba comes to church tomorrow."  More news on that, later.  Also, I was goalie for a little bit, blocked a couple shots, embarrassingly missed some others....then we went and tried to pass some less active members, followed by going to Tommy and Keziah's (fourth day in row) because Elder Cardall had a question for them about one of their amis.  Then we shared a spiritual thought with them, and then we cleaned a little of their appartement because we offered service.  Neat.  One of the first times we've offered service and it was accepted...yay!

Dimanch......BOUBA CAME TO CHURCH!!  very cool.  He's an awesome guy, and the missionaries used to work with him, a lot, but something went down and he stopped coming.  But now he's back (and we hope to stay).  Then that evening we saw la famille Maillard again for another soirée familiale, because Tess enjoys them so much and they seem to be helping her.  We shared a message about forgiveness, and Tess talked about how it's difficult often to forgive, and there are a lot of people who have done wrong to her.  So that just about confirms our concern, we just need to find out how to fix it....We invited them to think of someone they can forgive, and then forgive them, and think about how they feel different.  We'll see.  Then we played this game, it's French only, sorry, but what you do is you sit around in a circle, and everyone is a "cow number (1, 2, 3...)" and you go around calling each others cow number (like Big Booty :)) and saying "la vache numéro un sans tache appelle la vache numéro deux sans tache" (the cow number one without stains calls the cow number two without stains) and when you mess up, you put a big old stain on your face and then you are "la vach numéro * avec une tache" (cow number * with one stain) and then it keeps going and people keep getting stains, and it was really fun, and I've never spoken faster French in my life.  Tess was having a HOOT.  I only got three stains in the end, I'm pretty proud of that. I got the see the primary, too, this week!  O
n Sunday we went into the Primary and got them stoked about missionary work.  Talked about Ammon and his great faith and testimony and courage to stand up to so many people, and how he sliced some arms off.  We told them that while we don't often slice of arms, we do have to have a lot of faith and a strong testimony and lots and lots of courage to talk to strangers all day and tell them about this amazing plan.  It's such an amazing plan!  And it's perfect, too!  there are no flaws in this plan.  If something doesn't go right in the plan, it means you weren't following it, crazy Frenchies!

Then today we hit up a few of the Soldes, bought myself some fancy French shirts for 50 percent off.  Not bad.  The soldes will just keep getting better as the month goes on, so we'll probably go back next week.  Yeah.

I cut my thumb pretty bad one of those days there, it's a pretty cool wound, and I've only been using bandaids and neosporin to heal it, so I'll probably earn a pretty sick scar.  So here I am, I have a big gaping wound on my thumb, and hopefully won't contract a disease from this nasty keyboard.

Something I thought of this last week:
The phrase "redeeming power of the Atonement."  What in the world does redeeming mean?  And then I realized that it's like when you redeem and coupon or something.  And I thought, ...maybe...and then I realized the word in French is "racheter."  That means "to buy again" or to re-buy or to by back.  So.  The redeeming power of the Atonement is the fact that Jésus accomplished this huge sacrafice so that we can be bought back again.  We were owned by our Heavenly Father, then we left Him, and the only way to be rebought is through the Atoning Sacrafice of Jésus.  Wowie.  French really opens my eyes.  And also it helps me understand big words in James E. Talmage's Jesus the Christ.

I have to give a talk at the end of the month.  Get.  Get to give a talk.  Should be pretty dang fun.  I'm gonna practice a lot.

Love you all, even Sam,

Elder Liechty

Monday, January 6, 2014

Week #16 - Bordeaux


Twenty twenty twenty twenty FOURTEEN.  Nuts.  In French, we say deux mille quatorze.  They say every year like a normal number.  Sometimes it's really hard, but the two I'm really good at are 1820 (mille huit cent vingt) and 1995 (mille neuf cent quatre-vingt quinze).  Years and phone numbers are hard, because French numbers are dumb.  1 through 69 are fine, but at 70 things get nuts, and they start having to say numbers like "sixty and (other number)" and then after 80 it is "four twentys and (other number)" because aparrantly Napoleon had like 69 victories or something so they can't have numbers higher than that.  Except in Suisse and Belguim.  NUMBERS.  That is the French fun fact for the week.

The names of the senior missionnaires are Elder and Soeur Dickenson, from England, very English.

Have not gotten the package, or the letter you said, so, uh, hope those come soon n whatnot.

Investigators: André, he's gonna get baptized, we just have to finish teaching him.  He could use more support and less opposition from his dad, though.
Kéziah (Kay-zee-ah), she needs to have a more solid idea if baptism is something she wants to do
Alain (said kind of like Alan, but more French), he's an old ami that we just picked up again, he needs to have a desire to pray to know the truth
These are awesome people and I love them, it's cool.  Strangers that I love.  

Shoes and clothes are totes fine, some of the shirts may have stains...from the MTC...ha...but, I wear those guys under sweaters or my coat so no big deal.  Still got plenty.

I would LOVE some recipes.  Like no bake cookies.  And maybe that chicken casserole thing you know I love.  And other recipes you can think of that would be easy.

I'll be fine without long johns out here.  The weather is pretty fair, gets colder at night, but I got my nifty scarf and mittens for that.

The face cream, I think I gave you the exact name in one of the last emails.  It was the little one, I think it was really pretty expensive, had yellow on the label, in a tube kinda thing.  If you can find it again, think we got it at Alpine Dermatology, I would love to have that again.

The weeK!

Lundi was p-day, got haircuts, all that, sent emails.  Then we went to this famille's house, la famille Burri.  Their daughter is very less active, as is their son.  They both smoke.  The prayed for them to stop smoking, then prayed that maybe they would get sick and realize they shouldn't smoke, but then one got really sick but didn't stop smoking...But they're an awesome famille.  We shared a message when just the parents were there, then the daughter walked in, and the dad said "oh good, we were just about to start the spiritual message" NICE.  so we shared one with her there, she just had something against the fact that we say "I know this to be true" because she says there is no way to know something like that perfectly.  So that was alright, tried to explain, didn't go so far.  Then it cooled down, and then we played UNO all together, and she was happy again.  I think she was really defensive cuz it was kinda like all four of us with this opinion and her the only one with hers, so it felt like four against one.  We'll try better next time, they said they want to invite us over again.

Mardi we went and delivered some notes to membres that have been cool, and then tried to find some less actives, no luck.  then we had the fête, it was very fun, sat next to a membre named Patrick Jean-Charles, from Guadeloupe. He's pretty quiet, but very cool, and we set something up with him the next day.  Good food at the fête.  The thing is, I don't know the proper translation for fête, because it means so many things.  So I'll probably keep saying fête.  Also, that morning, first contact of the day, gave the lady a LdM, she was pretty cool, her daughter was five years old and adorable.  We'll see where this goes.

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We had Frère Jean-Charles this day, very fun.  We are his friends.  We forced him to be our friend by talking to him at the fête.  Also I just remembered that this was the day that Elder Smith was sick and had to stay in, but the zone leaders had to take care of bus tickets for this new year, so I had to stay and do NOTHING with Elder Smith while Elders Foote and Cardall went out and got the bus stuff and also had a lesson with Tommy and Kéziah. But Elder Smith and I did clean the appartement nice n good. 

District meeting jeudi matin, very fun.  Soeur Dickenson makes really good food, and made flapjacks, which aparantly aren't pancakes.  English, man.  anyway, then we went to visit Frère Handy, had a cool little RDV with him.  We went out contacting, then found ourselves close to Tommy's house, kept contacting, saw him hanging out the window, shouted just to say hey, then he invited us in, and Kéziah was there, so we chatted for a second then shared a spiritual thought about testimonies.  It was cool to hear Tommy's Recent convert testimony.  Those are always cool.  Also had two lessons with them two days in a row.  Neat.

Did LOTS of contacting vendredi, unsuccessfuly tried to contact some less actives.  but we did get this one contact with this lady who I may or may not have accidentally called a man at the beginning.........but then we laughed it off and had a good ten minute contact, but then that was it.  CONTACTING!!!  I actually have to admit that I do enjoy it.

Ha.  Samedi.  We had plans to go out to Pauillac and do some service for the famille Boulie, but we showed up and they had no service so we just ate at there house....And we had nothing to do because they live literally in the middle of nowhere and we had to catch a train in a little, so we just kind of ate and got to know them.  It was all the missionnaires here in Bordeaux.  And Soeur Boulie showed us this MoTab video from Christmas, I think it's called "What Shall We Give" it's really good, and one of the guys from Kid History is in it.  And then she showed us this CD from a certain Joseph Smith movie, turns out it's the same one we used to listen to a long long long long time ago, and the memories came back, it was nuts.  The one about Emma "When you lost your husband, when you burried your children..." and the one about Porter, the modern day Samson.  Yeah.  Good stuff.  Then we went home and had a RDV with our Elder's quorum leader, talked about less active or part active familles that we could go try to visit.

Dimanche, church changed hours, now it's at 11h, so, we don't have much time in the day anymore...But we went out to church, had a little meeting after with the secretary talking about more familles we can work with, then sprinted home (took the bus, actually) grabbed our sandwiches we made that morning (because it was fast Sunday) and ran again to go catch a bus to take us to a membres house a little far away.  Lots of running.  Fun day.

I HAVE been doing the 50 push-ups in the morning, haven't quite advanced to sit ups yet, hold your horses.  But also we are gonna start running some of the days, and we started last week, and my legs are so sore.  The day after was fine, just a little tired, but then we also decided we weren't going to miss any more busses, so we started running for them if we were late, so that was a lot of running, with our bags n all.  So hopefully by the time I stop hurting, my buns will be toned.  But we haven't been late to stuff, so I'd say it's worth it.

Fun facts I learned about Richard G Scott:  he plays the clarinet and was married in the Manti Temple.  Sounds like someone I know...

And yes, there are times where I forget about home...But I always pray for you all every night, so I don't know if that counts...

And I do enjoy that quote.  It's true that even after several weeks of hard work and limited success, we gotta keep working, because some day everything will fall in to place.  Or at least we gotta have faith it will.

New interesting thing I learned:
How Great the Plan of God.  Something Néphi says a bunch in 2 Néphi 9, I think.  Or maybe it's Jacob talking.  But anyway, it's true.  And it got me thinking, without Heavenly Father sending Jésus, we would miss out on a lot.  Had Lucifer been chosen, oh man oh man, lots woulda gone wrong.  And I realized:  Had Satan been chosen, there would have been no need for the Atonement, therefore no resurrection, therefore we would not have eternal life.  Not only was Satan's plan totally selfish, but it just wouldn't have worked.  We never would be resurrected, never gone through judgement, and never given the chance for exhaltation and eternal progression.  How Great the Plan of our God.

"Be who you are and say what you think, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind"

That quote was something Elder Cardall just told me to tell you all ("be who...don't mind").  No reason in particular, he's just a funny guy.  I really like Bordeaux.

I really like my famille.

Love you all,
Elder Liechty

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